Monday, December 05, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This once A list, award-winning actor has dropped off the radar in the last few years. A source tells us he obsessively watches right-wing news and radio broadcasts like Glenn Beck, while stocking up on gold and weapons, preparing for ‘the end.’ His friends have tried to offer help, but he complains to our source that they are ‘nothing but Hollywood liberal socialists’ who have an agenda. His family and friends are worried as he’s becoming more extreme, and the source also claims he’s shelled out big bucks to install a bunker on his property.


Comma Chaser said...


FrenchGirl said...

mel gibson?

Rita said...

Angie's father? He was one of them birthers as well.

figgy said...

Sylvester Stallone?

JW said...

Gary Busey?

Moose said...

Jon Voight fits, if you consider his IMDB profile. Most of the other Hollywood conservatives have worked regularly over the last couple of years.

Moose said...

Another actor that fits - Dennis Hopper

Rita said...

@Moose - thanks, forgot the name.

I think he was also another blind, where he may be suffering from Alzheimer.

surfer said...

Umm, Moose - Dennis Hopper died last year.

Gypsy said...

Um, Moose? Hopper is dead. So I guess he's joined the "underground" movement, a it were. ;)

Rita said...

To clarify, I meant Voight.

Yeah Dennis passed away.

Anonymous said...

LOL at "underground movement"

kltx said...

Voight has worked consistently and has just wrapped a movie.

crila16 said...

Voight actually works quite a bit for an older actor in Hollywood. I don't think it's him at all.

StanleyRoper said...

I like the Mel Gibson guess, although he hasn't been under the radar.
Jon Voight sounds like a possibility. Saw him at Disneyland last year appearing on a stage in the middle of Main Street where every passerby could see and hear with a choir and 200 starry eyed christians gazing up at him. He was reading from the bible while the choir sang behind him and he was over-pronouncing Jesus, like "The glory of Jeee-zus. Jeee-zus" It was bizarre.

Anonymous said...

@StanleyRoper - they do stuff like that at DISNEYLAND? Shouldn't there be some sort of separation of church and fantasy? Oh, wait...

JessieE said...

LOL (really OUT LOUD) at Syko...

nataliesinger said...

Luke Wilson is a raging conservative and spends inordinate amount of time spouting liberal hatred and quoting right wing news sources..I don't know if the few awards he's won would qualify as "award winning" though and I also don't know if he was ever considered Alist. But he fits all the other criteria to a T.

Gina said...

Is Voight one of the blind guesses for the actor who is beginning to show signs of Alzheimer's disease? I am not sure if I remember the details though.

Rita said...

@Syko - hilarious!

@Stanley - I'm not surprised about Disneyland. Ultra-religious groups have been able to pressure the Company into extreme right-wing decisions in regards to the treatment of their employees, and the kind of movie they put out there.

And Jon has been truly losing it, unfortunately. There was an item not long ago where apparently Brad Pitt was trying to sway him from his extreme-right believes.

Anonymous said...

Right on @nataliesinger...that's a great guess!

evergrey said...

For some reason Kevin Costner popped into my head for this one. I'm not sure if he's award-winning (too lazy to look it up), but he does live in Colorado on several acres and it fits the clues of a bunker on his property.

iamabirdnow said...

James Caan

Rita said...

evergrey: Kevin has oscars for Dances with Wolves, and I think JFK... Not a bad guess either.

__-__=__ said...

Don't drink the kool aid!

jazziegirl said...

Val Kilmer. He lives on an isolated ranch and I read an interview recently where he was very, very strange and bizarre.

Rita said...

___ - You mean, don't dunk the tea bag?

Mrs. Patterson said...

Burt Reynolds (The End was the dead giveaway)

Anonymous said...

@Rita, so apparently you and Brad Pitt think that someone with right-wing beliefs is "losing it?" Interesting.

I agree that if this BI is true, the person has got a screw loose and needs some help. But being a right-winger doesn't make a person any crazier than being a lefty does.

figgy said...

@nataliesinger, INTERESTING info on Luke Wilson! Hmmm, haven't heard from him in yeeeaaarssss...

Momster said...

Gary Busey?

Beth said...

I'd say John Malkovich, but he's been working too much.

Ashley said...

Luke Wilson is on a new show on Showtime with Laura Dern called Enlightened. Not him.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm on board with the Val Kilmer guess.

MATA v2.0 said...

Michael Keaton

Desiree said...

Thank you Texshan!

story said...

Val Kilmer.

Eve said...

Jon Voight is a good guess. Craig T. Nelson is also a raging, hate-spitting right winger. I don't suppose the lesser Baldwin qualifies for this BI.

brakewater said...

God, gold and guns. I'm a bitter clinger myself. Other than the bunker, sounds like a lot of people in this country.

It's me said...

For some reason Tom Selleck popped into my head but I have no idea if he has taken a break from acting or has any awards.

ardleighstreet said...

Tom Selleck has Blue Bloods on CBS
Luke Wilson is on an HBO show Enlightened and has a few movies coming out.
Gary Busey is doing car commercials for a place in Pittsburgh.( They are kind of creepy)

P said...

Kurt Russell

lutefisk said...

Jon Voight hasn't dropped off the radar, he has been very visible. I don't think it is him.

ditdoh said...

James Woods


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