The Britney Spears Engagement Is Making Me Sad
Does anyone think it is a coincidence that as soon as Britney Spears' tour ends and she won't be doing anything more interesting for awhile than making daily Starbucks runs that this whole engagement thing is announced. First of all we all knew it way before Britney did and then this engagement/birthday party for Jason was already planned in Vegas. I feel like Britney is kind of sleepwalking through this whole thing like she does her concerts. I want to make it clear I have nothing against Britney. I just think she has given up and that people tell her what to do and where to go and she follows along behind them and does it. I don't feel Britney anymore. I feel like she has lost herself and her identity and has become some kind of soulless corporation like McDonald's. It is not her fault. I just think her people and her dad have drilled out the personality in flavor of a huge portion of blandness. Look at the photo above. "Ok, Britney, we need you to kiss Jason. Remember he is your future husband. You like kissing him. Oh, and show the engagement ring to everyone. Do this at the same time." Do you see any emotion in that kiss? You can give a peck and there be emotion. I see none.