Brangelina Has Ruined The Baby Photo Market
Back in the day when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had their twins, they ended up receiving about $14M for the baby pictures. That is a whole lot of coin. It was that kind of outrageous spending that led to the downfall of the celebrity baby photo market. Want to know why? Well, Jo Piazza has her take on it which you can read here, but my reasoning is this. When Brangelina got paid that much other celebrities said, "I know we are not $14M big but don't you think we are a tenth of what they are?" So, with that kind of logic, People threw away $2M to Christina Aguilera for photos of her son. It was the worst selling cover of People that year. At that point I think they caught on and the market dried up. The reason this whole topic came up is because in her article, Jo tried to find out how much Jessica Simpson baby photos would be worth. It will be under six figures. Like try $50K. Mariah and Nick only got $100K and had to beg for that. Can you imagine how much Mariah and Nick would have got at the height of the baby photo craze? $5M for sure. If Nicole Richie got $1M, you know Mariah would get $5M.