Thursday, December 01, 2011

Black Friday Shopping Prank

I loved it.


  1. Sorry but I don't think it's hilarious to make fun of people who earn minimum wage under crap conditions. :(

  2. As if those poor employees didn't have a hard enough time at work last weekend without these two pulling their quant prank.

  3. Hey, the dollar store has a 2/$1.00 sale on sense of humors...wanna borrow a buck?

  4. I thought it was funny, too. No employees were harmed in the making of this video.

    They do actually have pre-made toast in Europe. It's like little crackers.

  5. I soooooo needed to laugh!!

  6. Loved the guys trying to stifle their giggles....I'm so going to do this some day!

  7. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I thought it was hilarious. They weren't being disrespectful to the employees. I've worked retail at Christmas, you're on auto-pilot and not even paying attention to what people are saying, your goal is answer them so they'll go away.

    Besides, they were expecting the employees to just walk away. And, stores sell a lot of stupid shit. Turtle mix might actually be something.

    oil painting of clowns storming the beach at Normandy - hilarious.

  8. Japanese children LMAO

  9. I didn't laugh?!

    I thought it was stupid.

  10. I laughed so hard I started drooling and crying at the same time. I wasn't laughing at the employees, though. I was laughing at the fact that each of them had thought of these crazy things and then each of them had to try to keep a straight face while seeing the item for the first time. Ooopsie Daisy Adult Underpants? I'd crack up if I read that and had to say it. Same with Caramel Yak.

  11. Yeah. Not funny. Working retail sucks hard enough without this kind of shit.

  12. I'm a store manager, and while retail does indeed blow, I'm not bothered by these 2 at all. I thought this was pretty funny. By the time he got to "disposable pants" I was crying a little. At least they were polite which is more than you can say for a lot of people. Oh, and that woman is my fav. Every retarded thing on that list is "probably downstairs somewhere".

  13. I've worked retail and it was probably the hardest job I've ever had.

    I found some of the items hilarious, (especially toddler sized shark cage!) but if these guys pulled a stunt like that at Christmas, there'd be a murder on aisle three. Christmas is an especially foul time to work retail. The shoppers are brutal!

  14. That one guy couldn't even keep a straight face! Prank FAIL! :)

    I have worked several retail jobs and agree it sucks, but I'm sure they had a bit of a giggle at what these morons were asking.

  15. Not funny. Those poor sales people. I feel bad for them. Bad because they have to work at Target. Bad because these thoughtless waste of oxygen douchebags are doing this. It's just wrong. And I didn't laugh.

  16. I thought it was funny....mostly the stuff they came up with. Hair dye for newborns? Ha.
