Wednesday, December 07, 2011

The Black Friday Shopping List Guys Are Back

Last time it was a Target and this time the pranksters hit up a Wal-Mart.


  1. I did not find that Target one funny at all and choose to ignore this post and those two douches.

  2. Sorry this is off topic but...


    Thank-you so much for CDAN!
    I hope you have a great day with lots of bacon!

  3. I loved the Target one and shared with friends who thought it was hilarious.

    This one is funny too-- but not as good as the Target one :(

  4. I can't believe it. Conditions working for WalMart are horrible. They treat people very badly and reap huge profits year after year while importing the very cheapest things from China. They are the scum of the earth. I feel so bad for this employee. I won't watch this.

  5. WOW! I didn't know but I too wish you a Happy Birthday Enty and also thank you for all your work on our behalf.

    Thanks for alerting us Nosy Parker.

  6. Happy Birthday Enty! I hope you get a giant bottle of bacon flavored tequila to celebrate and have some tequila flavored bacon for dinner!

  7. You know, I am an employee in a national chain store and I understand how hard it can be to be an employee in retail.

    But this is funny. And anyone who says "poor employee" just doesn't get it. I am not some poor sad soul because I work in retail, and people looking down on me because of my job is incredibly rude. I actually make phenomenal money with terrific hours .

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ENTY!!!!!!!!!!!

    May you have lots and lots and lots of bacon and other wonderful things this year. you bring great joy and laughs to our otherwise lowly miserable lives ; )

    my friends and I thought bf prank #1 was hysterical. #2 is good too, though not quite as hysterical. and Lauren is correct, some people just need to relax a bit and laugh.

  9. I think this is harmless, honestly. It's stupid and not very funny, in my opinion, but it's not as if they're berating the employees.

  10. I think it's funny as all hell and I'm going to be sharing it.

  11. Lauren, did it occur to you that you might be an exception? I worked retail for 8 years, and I think this incredibly jackassish of them - if it were done to me, I'd be PISSED. And I had crappy pay and crappy hours, as did everyone I knew who also worked retail. I don't think most people look down on people in retail, we just know that for the majority of retail workers, it is a shit job with almost guaranteed misery.

  12. I worked in retail, too, and I would have enjoyed this interuption in my otherwise boring day!

  13. Yeah, I think the reaction depends on the person. I think I would have probably laughed and told all my other friends about it but at the same time I can see why someone might get pissed.

    Pork muffs! HA!
