Bieber Fans Thought This Was An Engagement Ring
I realize that for many of Justin Bieber's 12 year old fans, the diamond ring that Selena Gomez was sporting on her finger may seem like an engagement ring. There is no shame in believing that and it is a fine engagement ring if you do not make bazillions of dollars a year and just blew $2000 on the ugliest Christmas sweater ever. If Justin Bieber actually proposed to Selena, she would have to use two hands to carry her ring finger. It's not that she needs that kind of ring to be happy, but Justin is just 17 so thinks that in order for something to be amazing it has to be extra big like his always falling down pants and extra flashy like his pale white skin. For as many vacations as this guy takes you would think he would get some sun. Oh, and his Batman car. Have you seen that? Bieber does not do quiet. It is like he is counting down the days until he gets his own place so MTV Cribs will come over.