Friday, December 23, 2011

The Best Viral Videos Of 2011

I think the title says it all.


  1. Oh man, I needed that. I don't think I stopped laughing once through that whole thing!

  2. That little boy on the bicycle is just so cute.

  3. I love the woman from the dating video. Did we ever find out if that was just an act?

  4. I feel... I feel HAPPY with myself!

  5. They could have left out the video from Serene Branson(?), though. I remember that people thought she had a stroke and thus was talking incoherently. Not funny.

  6. @Mina, I looked at my comment and thought, "I hope people didn't think I was laughing through THAT one!"

  7. In a way, this makes me yearn for 12/12/12, but in another way, I can appreciate that humans are the entertainment for the rest of the Universe, so maybe "they'll" keep us around. Just for shits and giggles.

  8. I had managed to actually avoid that damn "Friday" song all year...up until now. You owe me one, Enty... >-( (Oh, and MadLyb: I've had a button for years that says "Earth is the insane asylum of the Universe." Sounds about right to me...)

  9. The chick whining about being on YouTube is the one who walked into the fountain while texting, and then sued the mall. What a dumbass! And she's bitching about being publicly humiliated, when no one would ever have known who she was from that video if she hadn't talked about it.

  10. @Mooshki, did you see her on the Ridiculist? It was HILARIOUS to listen to Anderson Cooper talk about it!

  11. @Mooshki and Chrissy: I wondered what the hell she was talking about.Now Ima gonna have to do a Google on her and AC for that one.

  12. Chrissy, I missed that - I'll have to go search for it.

  13. Found it!

    "How I long for the days when you were just a nameless blob on a grainy surveillance video." LOL!

  14. Haha, I was wondering who she was! She belongs on the Ridiculist... :)

  15. The Michelle Bachman girls freaked me out then, and they freak me out now
