Another Date Letter
This one comes from Moby who is a long time reader. The difference in this one is that it comes from a woman instead of a man. The other difference is that this couple had never been on a date when this series of texts came in.
"I really don't understand you whatsoever I.e, how me working a lot constitutes me not making time? That really does not make any sense at all. Yes unfortunately I have to work for a living, as most ppl do, and until I finish grad school and have a normal 9-5 job, I will have late working hours at a restrsaurant. You asking that question makes me realize that you did not listen to anything...not one word... I said last night. So once again let me explain this to you. If you want to go out with someone you ask, "hey what days are you off this wk...(or even next wk).... Cause I'd like to take you out to do something". And then I say, "I'm off thurs and sun" (hypothetically). Then you would say, "ok then would you like to go to dinner and blah blah blah Thursday night at 7 pm"? That's how it works. When you ask me to do something with you the same day that you're wanting to do whatever, it's never going to happen for 2 reasons. 1. I work 5-6 days a wk so more often than not the response you're gonna get from me is, I'm working, because you always ask to do something only hours beforehand. 2. If you happen to ask me to do something one day for later that evening and I actually am not working then the response you're going to get is, I already have plans....because most ppl, myself included, who work a lot, make plans in advance to see ppl they want to see and do things they want to do because when you work a lot there's only a couple of specific days to do that stuff in. SO if you really are interested in taking me out somewhere or doing whatever you HAVE to ask and make plans before the day you're wanting to do it. I explained all of this to you last night so it's kinda obvious that you did not listen to a single thing I said. Besides the fact that you didn't listen, I honestly can't believe you'd ask me how I expect this relationship to work when I won't make time for it. Are you serious? Wtf? Here's a little hint: since you always ask me if I want to do something that same day, and because you don't EVER ask ahead of time or even consider making plans, or even maybe,just maybe, thinking to ask what days i have off work... it is NOT ME that is not making the time, it is you!!!! Sheesh. You've got to seriously be kidding me. Are you seriously that self absorbed that you say I'm the one not making time when you are the one who won't even make the time time to make plans!!!! Listen I'm really not trying to be a bitch, i'm just frustrated because we had this exact same conversation last night so its just very aggrivating to have to keep repeating myself. You admitted last night that you can be very selfish and self absorbed which are not traits that I would like to have with someone in a relationship. Now you've also made it very clear that you don't listen to things you don't want to hear. I'm sure you're a nice guy and can be fun and all that, but we've definitely gotten off on the wrong foot...and considering we've never even sat down to talk or hang out and already butt heads on these issues, I really think that we should just be friends and leave it at that. We obviously don't communicate well or understand each others way of thinking and that's not a promising start to anything. I'm sorry I just don't think we are a good match"
His response? "Too long!!!!"