Saturday, December 03, 2011

Angelina Jolie Being Sued Over New Movie

At the current pace, Angelina Jolie might want to rethink directing movies. While she was shooting the movie, her permits were pulled and several governments were upset at her for the subject matter of In The Land Of Blood And Honey which deal with a love affair between a Muslim woman and a Serbian soldier. Now, the author of an article written back in 2007 is suing Jolie and the production company because he says that his article was the basis of the film and he has not been paid. The two do sound identical. According to Radar, here is a synopsis of the argument in the case.

"The Subject Work’s main female character is subject to continuous abuse and rape by soldiers and officers in the camp. In addition to being raped continuously by soldiers and officers, she is forced to become a servant at the camp headquarters, a duty assumed by very few of the captives. The Motion Picture’s main female character is also subject to continuous rape by soldiers and officers in the camp and subsequently becomes a servant at camp headquarters."

Sounds pretty similar to me and I would not put it past Angelina Jolie to steal an idea. She did steal a husband. Twice. Well, one husband and one living together with another woman, guy.


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