Ad Campaign For Bra Uses Man
There is a chain of stores in The Netherlands called HEMA. One of the items sold in this chain is lingerie. Wanting to be edgy and to get people talking about their bras, the company decided to have a model pose while wearing a push up bra. For the most part, you cannot even see the bra. The photos are of the model wearing a dress or a top and you are supposed to imagine the pushup part is doing a great job. There is not even much cleavage in the shots. What makes this such a remarkable campaign is the model used by HEMA looks like a woman, but is actually a man.
Andrej Pejic was born in Bosnia and raised in Australia and has been called the "prettiest man woman known to man."
I actually think it is a good idea, but people have to know Andrej is a man. If you are trying to sell your bras on the fact they can make even a man look good, then why not go the manly man route? Unless you know the secret, you just think it is a female model so there is nothing actually interesting. It is only when you know it is a man, that you get the ah moment.