Friday, November 18, 2011

Why Even Keep Astro?

If you are one of the 9 people who watched X-Factor last night, then tell me why the judges even bothered to keep Astro around after his diva act. I mean he basically told the judges he was not going to sing to save himself and if they wanted to get rid of him they could. Even though they criticized him, he stayed. Why? For ratings? He sure is not going to get fan votes any time soon. This was the same guy who was at the audition and he is not going to change in the future. This guy is going to get so much worse in the divatude. Just get rid of him now.


  1. I've watched it yesterday. Am hooked! Much better than AI with the clean drama.

    That 14 year old Astro Kid usually rocks it. He is amazing. But yesterday he acted like a spoiled brat. It was right that Stacy went home, her last performances were just awful.

    But Astro is being mentored by L.A. Reid: the almighty creator of all things diva!

    He would never prepare one of his pupils to fail, or be gracious. He would only feed their ego.

    I'm surprised though that America did not more vote for Astro, he is absolutely elevating during his performances. Makes me love Hip Hop even more.

  2. Astro is way better than they lady they sent home...

    Even though he acted like a was time for STacy to go home.

  3. They were right to send Stacy home! Even though I loved her story and really would like to see her succeed in some capacity. Astro has pulled the diva shit before and for a brief second i thought Simon was going to send him home. I don't think he will last much longer though. I do think he's a super talented kid and wish he would try to be more like Jay Z like he says he wants to be, the way he acts now just screams Kanye.

  4. It was time for Stacy to go home but I would have sent Astro home after that temper tamtrum. Sorry kid, that was totally out of line. I have kids and my tolerance level for his kind of mouthing off is zero.

  5. His name is Astro? are his parents fans of the Jetsons?

    What a ridiculous name.

  6. Does anyone remember in boot camp when all the other contestants were sweating their a$$es off during the dance sequence (cut to Josh soaking wet and practically dry heaving)? Astro was in the corner NOT dancing - just sitting there with his headphones on. They even showed a clip of him saying there was no way he was going to dance because that's not who he is and blah blah blah. I mostly blah blah blah him because it's all part of that hip hop I'm-the-mutha-f^&kin'-man rhetoric spewing out like verbal diarrhea. So last night's pouting fit should have been expected.

    That being said, I do think he's talented. I also think he is way too young to handle a disappointment like this in the genre he's chosen. You could tell he wanted to burst into tears but felt that he couldn't because that's "not what men do". I felt sorry for him last night.

  7. OK, I am hooked on this show and I don't watch Am Idol.

    what got me was the comment LA Reid made the night before about Chris Rene not performing a rock number (which he didn't) and LA sniped, "Let's have hip-hop night and then see what Drew does." Then after that, Astrodog comes out and does his hip-hop song, also NOT ROCK. All the kid does is the same hip-hop, week after week, but NOBODY, not even Simon, called him on it. Then the brat does his pouty "Should I perform?" stunt last night and they reward him by keeping him.

    I was disappointed in Stacy, but at least she didn't throw a hissy fit and not sing.

    And yes, houstonian, I remember that, too about the boot camp hissy fit. that kid needs to be knocked down a few pegs! Look how professional the other kids on the show are handling themselves. They show they are kids but they are not as immature as he is. There is no WAY he could handle a $5 million contract.

  8. PS: As I said in my little X-Factor rant in the Randoms:

    I want to send that smarmy host guy home!!!! He's a pud!

  9. Nunaurbiz - It's true that Astro throws a hissy fit and is immature about it, but look who he is being tutored by, the king of all diva makers L.A. Reid! Of course he's not teaching his kids how to be mature and gracious.

    But you have to give it to Astro: am not a huge fan of hip hop, never spent my money to go see a fulltime hip hop show, but that Astro sure knows how to get you off your seat! An amazing performer, and a true star.

    Unfortunately, the way he's behaving is already a sign of "Chris Brown"-ish entitlement. But he's only 14. And no, I don't think he should be winning the grand prize. He's too immature to know how to deal with it. Not too young, but too immature.

    That being said, I like the host! I like how he was there for everyone during eliminations at judges' houses.

    Although he has yet to master the art of moving people along, he truly sounds right now as the time Nazi:)

    Which I forgive, for he looks hot and a bit "Clarke Gable"-ish in his suits. Hot Welsh!

  10. That kid turns me off with his attitude..Thought it was kind of funny when he was saying that if people didn't vote him to stay, then he didn't want to stay. Then the tears came..
    I was really surprised that Simon voted him to stay, unless they wanted some drama and hope that more people tune in to see what he does next...

  11. @Cheryl - I believe Simon wanted him to stay, because he was the better artist between the bottom 2. Quite honestly, I don't think Astro was supposed to be in the bottom 2, that group is far worse performer, as well as Chris René. But Astro is absolutely a performer. Mature, no.

  12. As long as LeRoy Bell is there, I'm happy.

  13. LeRoy Bell is the hottest, and Nicole is totally flirting with him.

  14. stacy needed to go home! when you put her screeching up against melanie's singing it's almost laughable. astro absolutely deserves to be there. diva or not. he is original, hard working and, yes, still a child. cut the kid some slack. he will get votes because he has genuine talent. writing new lyrics every week and performing them as he does shows that he is in it to win it. simon kept the more bankable and more talented individual.

  15. Is it really getting such poor ratings? Seems the talent craps all over the UK version this year - which is no-ones fault btw Cowell, just a poor year. Like the years when Leon, Alexandra and Joe won.

  16. I thought it was doing really well. Not last year's American Idol well, but the numbers show that it is in fact doing better than Idol's first year on the air.

    And it has been renewed, quite early on in the season actually.
