Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What Do You Think?

Earlier this week several outlets were discussing how Cameron Diaz and Diddily Squiddily were seen eating some food together. Immediately the thought is the two are hooking up, or Diddily Piddily just wants to get a free copy of Bad Teacher. Both of their publicists said they were discussing a possible upcoming movie and even came up with the name of the movie. US Weekly has decided to go ahead and say the two are hooking up and that it started three years ago which is about the time Cassie and Diddy started dating. US Weekly says those two are still dating and I say they are not. They had a little private scandal which is in the blind items and there is no boyfriend/girlfriend thing anymore.

Where was I? So, US says that Cameron will call Diddy when she needs sex. Really? No one else on that booty call list ahead of him? Justin? A-Rod? Drew Barrymore? I was going to say that Diddy does not seem her type but then I thought about it and you know, he kind of is. A pretty boy metro sexual who really loves himself. That pretty much is her last couple of boyfriends.

What do you think? Do you think Cameron is hooking up with Diddy? Would she?


  1. I assume that is the blind item about Piddly shaving the side of Cassie's hair off during a fight and her trying to turn it in a fashion trend.

    I have never found Cameron attractive and can't figure out why people do.

  2. There was a blind item about this.can't remember where it was

  3. US was basing its story on one of Diddy's confessions, where this blonde "lady", whom he didn't want to reveal her name for she was considered A-list at the time of his confession, would just meet him discreetly for sex.

    Because he was photographed with Cameron, it seems that she's the blonde "lady".

    I always thought it was that chick, Sienna Miller, that he was "seeing" on the side while living with one of the many baby mamas that he has.

    Good for Cameron. She gets what she wants. Doesn't pretend she wants to get married. Had honestly stated before that she doesn't want to.


  5. Anonymous8:58 AM

    She has the worst taste in men

  6. Or was it the blind about the hip hop guy who had a model girlfriend and likes the guys??

    On the up side, less than 2 months to the reveals.

  7. I think she is very pretty, but she does have very bad taste in men. However, if she really has no interest in getting married, she probably purposefully picks men who will be fun for a short-term relationship and then easy to leave when she gets bored. Good for her, rich and powerful men do that all the time and never catch crap for it, why shouldn't a woman get to play by those rules? Oh, and to answer Enty's question, I do not think they are hooking up anymore. I think they really are working on a movie.

  8. i think that i kinda don't really care enough to think about it...that is what i think. maybe it is my severe cold talking...hhhmmmm

  9. I thought this was the P-Diddy blind

  10. Cameron has lost her looks, no wonder she is going for the Fug Didiot now.

  11. I totally believe it.

    I've been curious if she and JT are still friends? Does anyone know? I thought it was interesting that they did Bad Teacher together.

    I've always liked Cameron Diaz. Yes, she totally has bad taste in men, but she's kind of quirky, which I dig.

  12. Cameron has not aged well at all. She looks like shit.
    I just saw My Best Friends Wedding on TV the other night and actually exclaimed "Oh, I forgot she used to be so pretty!"
    To hear her in interviews though she is just a big bag of stupid. Can't stand her.

  13. ok, against my better judgement, i did end up thinking about it. head cold be damned. yeah, they are totally doing the horizontal polka, but i bet it is more of a booty call kind of deal.

  14. He might be a great source for the horse.

  15. What about the Cameron Diaz/Drew Barrymore comment? What is that?

  16. ^Well, it was rumored that they were hooking up, at some point.

    And then supposedly the threesome with A-Rod & Tara Reid (blech).

    I remember this blind! I do not find Diddy at all attractive and would also not find it a shocker that he was cheating on Cassie. I could see them hooking up though.

  17. Ha Ha, this was a great post Enty.

    Yes, they're definitely hooking up. I think they're a good match for each other too and should use the media's speculation to rev up their careers.

    I think Cameron hooked up with Barrymore too.

    Remember when Cameron was all over Tom Cruise years ago? That was pathetic, it was like she was trying to make a desperate play to be the beard, this was around the Vanilla Sky days.

  18. Cammie likes black men, it's a not so well kept secret.

  19. That might not be a great picture of her, but the woman is still stunning - anyone here seen Bad Teacher? Seriously. Stunning.

    Anyway, yeah, I totally believe this. She and Diddy were doing the deed a few years back and she makes no secret of the fact that she likes sex, so why not? But yeah, terrible taste in men.

  20. @RQ - I was also surprised at her hotness in Bad Teacher! The woman has a seriously hot body.

    And I completely believe the stories about her and Drew. Drew loves the ladies, she always goes back to them between, and even during, boyfriends.

  21. p. doody is bi and very much into weird crap (i say this from knowledge of his jlo phase...idk if he's mellowed or worsened since then) i just can't see it w/ CD. she may like to go out there and get her some, but she's just a stoner party girl...doesn't give me the true freak, dark side vibe that is so prevalent in diddy's camp.

  22. @pookie, does that mean JLo is a freak as well?

    Also, I think they are doing a movie and hooking up.

  23. The info I've read along the way about Diddy pissin in corners and Cameron eating like a man, sounds like they belong together.

  24. I can't stand her and Piddy/pitty/whatever his name is can't stand him either.

    She was pretty at one time but is aging pretty bad.

    Putty would screw anything in skirt or pants hahaha.

  25. the 'let me be slutty for my bf'sense, yes. and there are plenty of those stories. but i think she wised up quickly b/c this guy likes the dark stuff...very drug-induced/hard core/violent stuff. he's not your typical snoop dogg kind of stoner, he's a whole other ball game. and jho, as much as it kills me to defend her (and god, if only you only knew), is clean. she's a skank, but a drug-free one.

  26. @pookie, you seem to know much about JLo... How come?

  27. Wait? Cameron Diaz was pretty at one point? Unusual, girl next door, cleaned up good with make up, hot, rockin bod, never pretty.

  28. The blind item was the one about the guy forcing the girl to have an abortion and her not getting compensated for it during the break-up payoff.

    Diddy and Diaz have been hooking up for years. There was a thing a while back on how she loves the dark meat but hides it from her family.

  29. Pretty sure the original blind for these two was on Awful Truth - the white girl hooking up with the black dude at hotels for super loud sex, right? Can't recall the names (Ted-ese is confusing) but they were the top guesses.

    @angelface, I think the blind you're referring to is Dianna Agron and Alex Pettyfer (sp?) FWIT.

  30. @Anotheramy

    If it helps I orginally typed "cute", erased it and *almost* typed attractive, so I def see your point, lol.

  31. Diddy a "pretty boy"? I hope it is the cocktails talking, Enty! He's seriously fug to me!

  32. Cameron Diaz has a great figure but her face is not meant for hi-def tv.

  33. Of course, Cameron would hook up with Diddy. He's right about the same level of slime as A-Rod.

  34. would she? of course. The woman has the worst taste in men ever.

    Is she? blech. I so don't care where Cammy is getting it these days.
