Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Two Boys, One Bag Of Flour, Five Minutes Alone

I think the mother will not spend quite so long in the bathroom next time.


  1. What a calm Mom.

    You couldn't have heard what I would have said 'cuz it would have been one long BLEEEEEPPPP. I don't get how she continued to let them play in that mess?

    I guess I'm just a mean Mom.

  2. These videos kinda rub me the wrong way. First, I think they do it on purpose. There is no way this woman walks out of the bathroom, conveniently has a camera in hand already, sees her house destroyed by these two kids and says pretty much "Oh boy" and "Oh my gosh".
    Notice how the flour is PERFECTLY splashed along the back of the couch, from one end to the other, but the pillows are still on the couch? And the close up shots of the pictures on the wall showing sprinkles of flour on them, really? The kids have deadly aim and managed to every so slightly get a dusting on the pictures 5 feet above their heads.
    Sorry, not buying it.

  3. I call bogus too. ANY woman would have at least raised her voice to the kids - and having a camera at the ready? I think mom had a hissy fit about something earlier, threw the flour around and then is blaming it on the kiddies.

  4. Yeah, I'm with Princess on this one...if the kids had done it, it would be a pile on the floor and scattered from there. It's spread on the top of the couch, but no sign of kids crawling around on the couch to get up there.

  5. Also, the mom sounds like an annoying person. "Oooooh boy...*sigh*". You know she often asks herself why her life is so HARD and why nothing ever goes HER way *L*.

  6. Sorry this is so real. i have 22 month old twins and a 5 year old and this happened to me over the weekend. I was luck as in I found it before it got too bad.

    She probably walked out of the bathroom and then went back to get her camera to save it for posterity!

  7. I think it's fake. The kids would not have thrown flour at the photos on the wall OR spread it so evenly around the room.

    My boys did get ahold of the sugar canister once. Just a big pile of sugar on the floor with some matchbox cars driving in the "snow".

  8. Medicated much lady? Most mothers would've snatched both boys snd wouldn't have dared record this. I won't go so far as to say it's staged but when a woman sees her living room furniture destroyed he verbal reaction is not "oh my".

  9. I'm wondering how they would have managed to get that perfect little rim on the door window almost like snow. It would have to fall from above, like snow. Not from below and tossed up.

  10. of course it's fake. someone believed this was real????

  11. I tell you what you're going to do: put down the damn camera and start cleaning up the mess you probably made.
    These two pretty small boys got a five pound bag of flour and threw it literally everywhere (they really managed to consistently cover multiple surfaces 2-3 feet above their heads?) instead of trying to build a mountain of it and drive toys through it? Bullshiz.

  12. I have a problem with only one bag being spread so evenly across the room. Just one bag, really?

    "I don't know what to do"

    ? Really? Are they your kids? If they were, you would know what to do.

  13. I was horrified at first and then, as I watched the video, thought that everything was a little too perfectly covered....

  14. I call setup. At the 1:45 mark, she pans the camera to the floor, and you get a shot of her feet and jeans. The jeans are covered in flour. Looks like mom helped make this mess.

  15. Definitely faked. You can practically see where the flour was shaken onto the couch evenly from someone standing above.

  16. Phoebe Price is a better actress than that woman. This could not be more inauthentic.

    Nice lesson, regardless. It must be terrific to be on an airplane with those kids.

  17. Blogger Maja. With a J. said...

    Yeah, I'm with Princess on this one...if the kids had done it, it would be a pile on the floor and scattered from there. It's spread on the top of the couch, but no sign of kids crawling around on the couch to get up there.

    My sentiments exactly. I have two boys who made their share of messes.

  18. Yep at 1:45 the jeans are completely covered with flour.

  19. Anonymous2:44 PM

    "Oh my gosh, what am I going to do?"
    ...ummm, get a broom and the dust buster hahhahha. This is great. Made my day. Thanks, Enty.

  20. I, too, call something's not clean in the water. The woman's reaction is not normal, and she doesn't have them stop playing in it? I cannot imagine a scenario where the parent would let them continue playing in that awful mess, without reprimanding them at all?

    Ugh. This video just makes me mad. And makes me not want kids all the more. Because my reaction would not be calm; it would be at an appropriate level to make sure those brats did not do something like that again...

  21. Fake with a capital F.

    And the mom sounds "medicated" to say the least.

  22. I'm on the bogus train. My sister and I used to dump the Cheerios all over the kitchen floor, but this particular scene is a little too 'staged'. I hope her 15 seconds were worth destroying the furniture.

  23. Yeah it's fake. No 1 or 3 yr old can pick up a 5 lb bag of flour and carry it up onto a sofa, then pour the flour onto the backs so evenly without leaving more of a mess getting down off of the couch while leaving enough flour to go to the other couch and do the same. Remember, they must save some for the rest of the room and hallway. That's a damn good job of rationing by a pair of toddlers if I ever saw one. Plus, you notice that she never asks the kids "what did you do?" 'Why did you do this?" The 3 yr old would have narked her out on tape. ha! What a sad little woman and a head case.

  24. I have to say fake too... I think I saw a second bag of flour on the back of the couch by the window. What a nutjob!

    My boys when they were little, like three and 18 months, got hold of a ketchup bottle and attacked the family room. Not once did I think of getting a camera. My first thought was "(bleep)" and what the heck is the carpet cleaning company's number? Never thought about puking -- they are kids -- life's messy. Afterwards, it was quite funny - they were so cute!

  25. Never occured to me that it could be fake but now that you say it..I can see my mama coming after us if we did that. No way would there not be screaming involved. She probably has a form of Munchausens by Proxy. Watch for the kids to be in the hospital a lot.
