Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Travis Barker Gets Special Attention From The Police

Next time you get pulled over by the police and do not think you were treated fairly, go ahead and take to your Twitter and see how long it takes before the police respond to your complaints and invite you over to discuss it with the officers involved over coffee and doughnuts. Yeah, it is going to be a really long wait. However, if you are Travis Barker or some other celebrity who has a large number of followers on Twitter you can presumably complain and have the police department kissing your butt and inviting you down to the station to discuss everything and make it all better.

Over the weekend Travis Barker was pulled over for having no license plate on his car and tinted windows. Last I checked you were for sure supposed to have license plates. Travis is above that though. So, the officer takes a look at the guy in the car and asks some questions and apparently they were questions Travis did not want to answer and said it went on so long his kids got scared. Are these the same kids that you bad mouth your ex to? The same kids who are going to read on Google all the awful things the two of you have said to each other? Just checking. I did not realize they were so sensitive now but then they were not.

So, Travis gets home and Tweets about it and the next thing you know the police department is all over themselves with concern and inviting Travis down to the station to chat and see how they can make things better and to have a discussion with the officers involved. For some reason this really ticks me off. He got pulled over because he had no plates. Nothing happened to him. He was not tased or even asked to step out of the car. But he complains and the police get on their knees so fast to please him because he is a celebrity.


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