Thursday, November 10, 2011

Today's Blind Items

This one is kind of old Hollywood, because of the actor involved, but it happened not that long ago. This A list actor and winner/nominee of an Academy Award was married to a man. It turns out that our actor fell in love with a transsexual, but did not want anyone to know, so they got married. The transsexual managed to get some fake identification and easily passed for a woman and they were married. After a couple of years, the man, legally became a woman. Funny enough though, after the man became a woman our actor was no longer interested and they got divorced.


MontanaMarriott said...

If you would have said and they used a surrogate for their children I would have said Eddie and Nicole Murphy, who for years I had heard was a trannie.

Anonymous said...
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cdanluva said...
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Princess said...

Because of the part about being old Hollywood, I'm thinking someone more like Burt Reynolds (has he remarried since Loni?) or someone like that.

Princess said...

I thought Deniro and Grace where still married?

cdanluva said...

Chris Martin's wife - ftw!!!

Audrey said...

I thought old Hollywood meant that the party was dead. Who's from old Hollywood that died recently?

Beth said...

I think this is someone who was around in the 1960s.

My first thought was Sean Connery's wife, but they're still married.

Princess said...

I thought old Hollywood meant someone that's been around for more than a couple decades, as opposed to say... Jude Law.

RocketQueen said...

Hmm okay, so I'm thinking it's an "Old Hollywood" actor who was recently divorced. I suck at these old ones.

von said...

I take it to mean someone who's been around for a while, still actively works (hence the A list designation) and recently got divorced. It also sounds like a short marriage.

I've been looking and I can't find anyone who fits the bill--the A-list bit is really throwing me.

Beth said...

Robert Duvall and his third wife, Sharon Brophy

Unknown said...

a big ol' LOL @cdanluva!!!

Janet296 said...

What about Dennis Hopper?

perfecttt2 said...

Richard Dreyfuss and second wife Janelle Lacey

Princess said...

I like the Robert Duvall and Sharon Brophy guess - I just googled her and wow, yea... Even if it's not, I think we're on the right track.

Beth said...

Check out her arms and neck.

FrenchGirl said...

it looks alike a part of NIP/TUCK:it's not very credible

Sherry said...

Someone needs to send a picture..I cannot find a good one. And keep in mind she is from South America isn't she? They do lots of surgeries down Brazil way. He spoke at my acting school during this period and he was a very nice man.

Beth said...

No, his current wife is from Argentina. Just Google "Sharon Brophy Duvall," and a lot will come up.

Cheryl said...

Ha! My default A list, older Academy Award winner is always Michael Douglas but one thing CZJ is not, is a man. I would also like to absolutely rule out Ben Affleck for this one.

Ms Cool said...

John Wayne's second wife, Esperanza Baur.

Sylvia said...

LOL@ Ben Affleck

Borg Queen said...

I knew Lois Aldrin (Buzz Aldrin ex-wife) was not born a woman.

JJ said...

I googled Sharon Brophy and just don't see a manly woman.

Borg Queen said...

How bout James Caan and his ex-wife Linda Stokes Caan.,r:2,s:0

Beth said...

Caan had kids with his wife, and I don't think he qualifies as A list (except for a few years in the mid 70s). Also, he is still married to that wife; they've only filed for divorce.

Here's Sharon Brophy Duvall:

Beth said...

I don't think she looks manly -- remember this is someone who passed as a women -- but there's something about her neck that looks like there should be an Adam's apple there.

EmEyeKay said...

Why did someone delete the Deniro guess? He's in the RP.

msgirl said...

Just what I was just thinking!

Bubbles said...

Wow Enty, trans phobic much? He fell in love with a pre-op transsexual woman, not a man. And what do you mean the transsexual managed to get some fake id, because you can have your id changed before you have surgery and it's not fake id. Are you saying she walked around looking like sophia Vergara but her drivers license said Timothy Jones?

I'm sorry but you've topped yourself on this one.

Anotheramy said...
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Anotheramy said...

Sharon Brophy does give off that vibe doesnt she. Im not sure why either.

Bubbles said...

Everyone has an adams apple, it just tends to be more pronounced in males, while in some males it's like looking at a females neck; unless the female is Sandra Bullock who does have a prominent piece of neck fruit.

bluemoon8118 said...

I know they had a child together - which rules them out - but did anyone else get the trannie vibe from Mel Gibson's ex Oksana??

Bubbles said...
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Bubbles said...

No, just Eastern European gold digger which pre-dates transsexuals and whatever the supposed vibe is.

Whitney said...

BlueMoon- Oksana had been involved with Timothy Dalton & had a kid with him pre-Mel. She's just had a lot of unfortunate plastic surgery.

Here's an older picture:

ardleighstreet said...

OK. My guess Peter Fonda. Ex-wife whom he divorced this year Portia Rebecca Crockett.

Peter has already married Margaret DeVogelaere.

Harry Bowles said...

Its messed up I think to call a transsexual/transgender woman a man. Its not like these people are crossdressers. They truly believe that they are of the opposite sex born in the wrong body.

Anyway, it seems like the guy wasnt so much in love with her as much as he was with her cock if he really did divorce her because she had the sex change operation.

Anonymous said...

Bubbles, a pre-op transsexual with a penis is, in fact, a man, not a woman. And frankly, even if someone has a "sex change" or "gender reassignment Surgery," they are always going to be the sex they were born as, biologically speaking. I know that's super un-PC of me to say, but it's true. You can make all kinds of changes to your body's appearance, but you cannot change your DNA. Just because someone considers themselves a particular sex doesn't make it so.

somegirl said...
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somegirl said...

Texshan: when you walk down the street every day, you characterize everyone you see as one gender or the other, without doing a DNA test.

It is ignorant and offensive to call someone that is a female in society a man, because of whatever their chromosomes or genitals may be.

Bubbles said...

Someone, Texshan is probably the audience Enty writes this transphobic shit for. And no Texshan, a pre-op transsexual is a woman, as her license and passport will say. And if you want to talk about DNA and biology, we can talk about the transsexual brain which science has found to be different. And the essence of a persons soul and being has not a damn thing to do with DNA

Krystal said...

I don't see this post or Texshan's comment as being trans-phobic or ignorant. It really irritates me that any time someone says something that's not politically correct they're immediately labelled homo/trans-phobic, racist etc. etc. We're going to end up living in a world where people are afraid to even state a difference of opinion out of fear of being condemned.

I can also understand why someone would feel that a pre-op transgendered woman would be considered a man (especially considering that this person would still have male genitalia). The information contained in their passport is irrelevant. I'm African American but if I bleach my skin white and get an ID that identifies me as White does that suddenly make me that race? No.

The fact is, being a man or woman is defined by one's biological sex, which is defined by DNA. As products of conception have we have no control over our sex after the fact. This is very different from social gender or how we are perceived by the people around us based on the way we look (i.e. male or female).

Do I believe that a person can be "born in the wrong body"? Absolutely. My heart goes out to transgender people who struggle to become the person that they feel they are inside. I wouldn't wish that type of pain and struggle on anyone. However, the fact remains that they will remain the biological sex that they were born regardless of changes to their outward appearance. There are certain biological components of being a man or a woman that (unfortunately) a transgender person will not possess (i.e. menstrual period, ability to produce sperm, carry a baby etc.).

While I don't think it's any skin off my back to refer to a transgendered woman or man as the new gender that they've become, I don't think we should treat every person or comment that refers to someone as their biological sex as trans-phobic. Things take time to be accepted by society. I strongly support the LGBT community in demanding their rights and respect but things don't happen overnight. Some, like Texshan, are going to base their opinions on science and maybe people should be more accepting of that fact rather than doing the very thing that they condemn, i.e. labeling someone.

Lauren said...

I completely agree with you Krystal. People are so terrified now to say the wrong thing bc of the reaction. There is a BIG difference between being homophobic and stating an opinion, that to me wasn't at all intended to be offensive. Ppl need to stop bein so damn preachy and ready to jump on someone. Express yourself and let others do the same.

Bit dams said...

"as if there is something to be ashamed about because someone is LGBT." the people acting a if there is shame are the couple involved. like all the secrets on here, they aren't sharing the information.

here's a blind for you. what frequent poster on CDAN unknowingly married a bisexual transvestite? and only discovered it after several years of marriage
and children?? there's a reason tranny's keep it a secret; in general, it freaks people out.

Bubbles said...

So Krystal; to that end would a woman who cant have periods or babies not be a woman or is born sans uterus or all of the other things that happen in nature. Same for a man who can't produce sperm?

And calling a transsexual woman a man might not be wrong to you, but in many circles it is on par with being hateful regardless of whether you agree that it is or not.

Ben said...

I'm with this kid-

deck7 said...

I would have guessed Kelsey and Camille Grammar but the Oscar thing makes that wrong.

Males, as usual, have a superiority complex when it comes to females. I'm quite offended that any man thinks with enough surgery he can just become female. I can't even believe the government allows you to CHANGE gender on paperwork! Being a woman is a lot more than just boobs and a clit - it's in our DNA. The essence of being female is in every living cell in our bodies. And don't throw out that infinitesimally small statistic about those who were born hermaphrodites. I'm about 99.9999% sure these few folks are NOT calling attention to their situation nor appreciate being used as poster children for such a very different cause.

lovelyskies said...
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Faith said...

What's The Answer your killing me here!?!?

Unknown said...

There is no chromosomal or biological differences between the sexes until the onset of puberty when hormones are being produced..

XX females
XY males

The second X in female sex chromosomes stays innactive a womans entire life, it serves no purpose..

The Y chromosome in males only has one purpose... to send signals when onset of puberty has begun, to turn the gonads into testes..
It only has a purpose while the testes are working to produce sperm..

Chop off the testes??
Quash sperm count completely using extended periods of HRT..

And the Y chromosome is rendered useless ... obselete..
Then you're left with a woman who only has one active primary sex chromosome... the X chromosome..

Just like every genetic woman alive!!

Would ya look at that?!?!
Your arguments just turned to shit -_-

sallie parker said...

This fanfaroon reminds us of Enty's Timmy-Shimmy escapade in 2007. That blind-shaggy-dog item ended with the "revelation" that the hulking impersonator Arthur Blake had doubled for the delicate Alice Brady in some 1930s films. Oh really!? Utter nonsense, and so is this one. The story as related is doubtful in its details (particularly the bit about fake ID).

If this tale of an A-list actor and his bride were even remotely true, it would be old news by now, lying beneath layers of cover-stories, alternative narratives, and bald-faced denials. (Similar to all those weasel-worded "explanations" we still get about Jamie Lee Curtis.) I'm not seeing a sheaf of cover-stories or denials anywhere.

Unknown said...

Joy, you are seriously wrong. The fact that fetuses grow penises shows there us a difference. Check your facts before you recite folklore


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