I hate myself that I even spent five minutes thinking about Lindsay Lohan yesterday, let alone talking about her. But, yesterday I found myself discussing her with a couple of people and each person saying how messed up she is. I think I have a solution to her problems. She will never listen of course, but this is what I suggest. First of all, if the judge is going to try to teach Lindsay a lesson, then perhaps she needs to think of another way. What was 30 days reduced to 6 reduced to 4 days turns out will be about 5 minutes. Right now the Los Angeles County jail is just shuffling people through jail if their sentence is less than 90 days. The only way it will be longer than a few minutes is if there are people in line in front of her not serving any jail.
Here is my solution to Lindsay's issue. The judge told Lindsay she would sentence her to 271 days unless she completed all the community service and Lindsay needs to do all of these other things. You and I both know Lindsay will probably not do them for a long time and this while process where she goes to court and has a new judge and they hem and haw and have probation violation hearings and decide whether she should go to jail for a few days or extend her probation will just go on forever. If I were advising Lindsay, I would tell her to go serve the 271 days.
The most she will end up serving is about 54 days and it would probably be less. In the 54 days she could get completely sober. Do not make up crap about how you need your pills, just go straight and sober and break the addiction cycle and crutch you have on your pills. Also there would be no smoking so you can break that habit while you are there too. While you are in jail, you make arrangements to sell your story or whatever you need to do for when you get out to make up for the arranged photos you usually take and your mom can keep Tweeting ads on your page so she can earn a couple of bucks without having to take to the streets and stroll for a living.
When you get out, you do a Robert Downey Jr. You get humble and take supporting roles in small movies and don't complain about how much you should be getting paid and just work. You would have no other obligations to the judicial system and would not be spending more money on legal bills or trying to make all the community service appointments you do not want to do anyway. No more stress or drama, just do your time and move on with your life. If she would actually do these things there could be hope for her. What she is doing now does nothing and just keeps her in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.
what saved RDJ is his wife.Fincher said RDJ was stoned during ZODIAC filming set(he didn't know his text or what do)but one day,his wife said him it was over if he didn't stay sober
ReplyDeleteLohan needs a straight entourage, a real manager: she needs to stay away her entourage and to go in a strong jail during 6 months
Sure wish the judge would have asked for a drug test.
ReplyDeleteEnty's right about the addiction stuff - my guess is all of her drama is due to her alcoholism. From what I've seen, the only way to stop addiction is to STOP, halfassed attempts don't work.
ReplyDeleteShe could ATTEMPT a RDJ, but she's not talented, so that can't go very far.
I have some "suggestions" for her...
ReplyDeleteActually, your advice would be a stellar idea, Enty. Unfortunately her peeps are frickin' MORON enablers.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I'm so tired of listening to people fret over how to save Lindsay Lohan. If this bitch wanted to be saved, she would reach out for help. She doesn't, so fuck her. There are a myriad people in this world who are in desperate need of our help and attention-and who want it; we should focus some of this concern on them instead of this self centered idiot who, by the way, is as talented as Pauly Shore.
ReplyDeleteIf Lohan wants to slowly kill herself, I couldn't care less.
Since Lindsay is the smartest woman alive she won't be listening to any advice, and since she always finds a way to make some cash she won't listen.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that she's managed to stay in the spotlight this far attests to the stupidity of the legal system and anyone who hires her.
And lets not forget every stupid kid who runs out to buy whatever trash Lindsay is wearing on her court dates.
She's 25, we have 2 more years of this garbage...
Throw some acting lessons in there and I say you've got a great plan!
ReplyDeleteI think she's actually pretty talented. I agree with @MISCH, tho. At this point, I give her 2 more years, at best.
ReplyDeleteAnd your advice is perfect, Enty.
But but but she's INNOCENT y'all and its just everyone hating on her cause she's so special and talented.... BAHAHHA
ReplyDeleteshe makes more $$ on her knees than she will acting why change now
I'm telling you...you are obsessed with girl. It's weird!
ReplyDeleteah, she won't stop fucking up until she's dead.
ReplyDeleteI blame the liberal judges. We need a hardcore, no messing around, strict judge to throw her @SS in jail. She needs to learn the hard way.
ReplyDeleteI think Enty's plan is a pretty good one. It is what I would do. Take her licks like a woman and be done. She could read scripts while she is in jail and hire a whole new team. White Oprah is gone other than being her Mother. Which is bad enough.
ReplyDelete@Tempestuous: Enty is obsessed by Lilo,Kardashian family(boycott them Enty) and Courtney "fake" Stodden (boycott her)
ReplyDeleteEnty's plan is a good one, and one most people would take just to get it all over with.
ReplyDeleteBut like I mentioned yesterday, I think this judge is giving her just enough rope to hang herself. She ends up back in court time and again because she keeps violating her probation. She has never been able to abide by the conditions, so it's very unlikely that will change this time around. The proof will be in the pudding - the judge said Lindsay will have to serve the full 270 days if she misses even one appointment, and Lindsay had to agree to waive the appeals process.
@ surfer: I agree that this judge is giving LiLo just enough space to trip up. She's going to wind up in jail for a while on this one, I think. Which would be the best thing that could happen. No drugs. No interference from her parents. Time to actually think about saving herself.
ReplyDeleteIt won't happen, I fear.
she's no RDJ. he was basically a nice person with some great friends.
ReplyDeleteshe's a spoiled rotten, horrible person with no real friends.
What makes you think 270 days will do any good? Even that will be reduced to 60 days, which will be reduced to 24 days, which will be reduced to booking time plus 6 hours or whatever. Lindsay doesn't care because she knows she will never do "real" time.
ReplyDeleteEr, the problem with Enty's entire plan is that Lindsay doesn't WANT to get sober and doesn't think she has a problem. Also, she doesn't want to be away from partying for more than 10 minutes, let alone 54 days. The problem is, and always will be, Lindsay.
ReplyDeleteI hope to GAWD no one buys her stupid Playboy spread... I can't believe Hef was dumb enough to pay to see what the world has already. She's a cheap trick, and I do NOT get why the judge didn't give her the 1.5 years - or why dumbass Sheriff Baca suggested they'd actually follow the judge's ruling. He's looking like the biggest assclown right now... May the end of the Blohans and Kartrashians be NOW. PLEASE!
ReplyDeleteWow Enty, that is such an elegant post. She should do this. Or, she could just go on Celebrity Rehab.
ReplyDeleteCan I add go back to being a redhead to this? All of her mugshots are blond. Blond is to Lindsay what pink was to Britney.
ReplyDeleteI'm with parissucksliterally.
ReplyDeleteShe's been in this scenario before. I don't see how anything is going to change.
She needs, most of all, is someone around her with their head on straight. Her world is populated with parasites, and she needs to get clean.