Monday, November 21, 2011

Skinnygirl Margarita Uses Cheap Tequila - Not Blue Agave

The same people that sued Skinnygirl Margarita for saying their product was all natural have amended their lawsuit after an analysis of the product discovered that contrary to what the label of the bottle says, the tequila used in the product is a cheap kind of tequila and not 100% blue agave as claimed on the label. You would think before the company bought it from Bethenny Frankel they would have done some due diligence, but apparently not. It does make you wonder what other labels out there lie to us everyday. It is not like we can check to make sure that everything is what it says it is. Unless someone complains I don't think the government checks, so we are all just kind of taking the word of the company. Apparently with Skinnygirl that was a bad idea.


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