Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ricki Lake Talks About Her Online Dating Horror Story

Has Ricki Lake always written for Newsweek? This week she did and she talks about her favorite mistake which apparently involves a six week relationship with a British guy she says is a liar and user and only wanted her for her agent and green card. Ricki says she went online because she is famous and wanted anonymity. Umm, don't you have to show your photos? The anonymity thing goes away pretty quickly doesn't it?

Anyway, in the six weeks they were together, Ricki met with an immigration lawyer, paid for the guy and herself to fly to England to meet his mom and he met Ricki's kids and it sounds like she was going to marry him after six weeks. Ricki always paid for every meal and he would always order the most expensive thing. He wanted to meet her agent and was only nice to her kids in front of her.

She says she finally woke up and broke up with him, but she never says what specific thing led to this revelation. She did say that the same day she broke up with him he went out with a friend of a friend and Ricki saw their photo on Facebook the next day canoodling.


  1. You don't *have* to show photos on dating sites, but it was always a red flag to me if a guy didn't post photos (can you say "I don't want my wife to catch me at this"?)

    Ugh, who does all of that for a guy they met online and have only known for six weeks? That's asking for trouble. With online dating, Ricki, you need to put your guard up. Desperate women get taken advantage of. doh.

  2. And introducing him to her kids? Wow

  3. up until now, I thought Ricki Lake was sort of smart. This story is monumentally dumb and pathetic. That's a lot of drama for six weeks. Who would put up with a guy like that for even a week?

  4. After revealing all this about herself, that she doesn't tell the final straw means it was pretty bad.

  5. I think paying for the guy's expenses should have been a red flag for her.

  6. Rikki Lake has always been lacking in self-esteem. Even back when she was bigger.

    She is a big people pleaser, and that came out with her birth movie. I went to the screening of it in SF, and she was the lamest one. She basically did not want to "offend" anyone about their "birth choices" yet her whole documentary was about the rising c-section rate, AND how uninformed most women are. She has a noodle where her spine is.

    This guy just played on her lack of self-esteem. Happens all the time in the dating world. She's engaged now, so wonder what this guy is like.

  7. I really like Rikki, but I have to wonder about her choices in men. I hate to say it, but I get a definite gay vibe from her new beau.

    Rikki, you need a good girlfriend who's going to help you make better decisions. Give me a call.

  8. Since I am as old as dirt that website Senior Dating was after me so I went on it. Luckily I told them I would check them out with a police friend. They cooled out on me after that, one started talking money right away then I heard about the lady in New Mexico who got taken for 500,000. Her whole life savings so now I don't even go on it. Perverts are everywhere now days and you can not trust anyone.

  9. I think I dated this same guy. He came to Canada to marry a girl that is now one of my facebook friends, he got his landed immigrant status, separated from her, then used and conned at least 8 other women (including me) over the next four years. I made it my life's mission to get this douchebag out of my country and ensure he never became a citizen when I realized what a sociopath he was, and I'm happy to say he's now back in his home country, probably conning women over there. We gots to be careful, ladies!

  10. I've had an opposite experience. I met my husband on a dating site - we met in a chat room there (him in Florida, me in Atlanta). We dated long distance for 2 years and then got married and I moved to Florida 6 years ago. Neither of us have ever regretted it. I met some nice guys on-line and some definite weirdos. I would recommend you hire a PI to investigate someone if you're really interested. Weeds out a lot of creeps.

  11. I have to tell my dating horror story! Before I got married, about five years ago, I tried online dating. This guy, who was married, started to stalk me! I never met him in person, but he was coming to the Bay Area on business and wanted to "satisfy me." WTF? I told him outright I didn't sleep with married men, but that did not deter him in the least. It was just so bizarre. I never had a good experience online.

  12. Wanted to add - neither of us had our picture on our ads - didn't want co-workers, etc to know what we were doing. You'd be surprised how many people who don't have ads on a dating site like to look at the ads.

  13. @SusanB - Why would it bother you if your co-workers or acquaintances knew you were on a dating site? It's nothing shameful. That's how people date in the 21st century. It's only shameful if you're already in a relationship.

    My worst online dating story was a guy who I met who I learned was married. I ended things, and reported him to the site for lying about his status. 4 months later, I randomly ran into a woman at a bar who had gone out with him that past week - and also thought he was single. Let's just say that after that, the wife soon learned that he had a dating profile.

    I really think I need to start a blog about dating. So many people have to learn things the hard way.

  14. This sounds like the Seinfeld episode where Elaine hooked up with some moocher Brit. A bounder!

  15. I married a Canadian man I met online! I am a citizen now, TYVM! *LOL*

  16. @seachica - I don't know - I just felt uncomfortable about it. I would usually e-mail a pic in response to an e-mail from someone. My now husband has a somewhat public life - so he preferred discretion also. He also e-mailed a picture with his 1st e-mail. For what it's worth, his daughter and her husband also met on a dating site - they just had their 1st baby. So I encourage people to try on-line dating - just be careful about it.

  17. Back in the day, I met several boys through the internet (this was before eHarmony, Match got big), but no horror stories, luckily.

    My girlfriends have been entertaining me for YEARS with their online dating stories. One of my favorites is the person that blacked out midway through their 1st date, admitted it to my friend on the 2nd; there was not a 3rd. Another involved something similar to Deuce Bigalow (strong smells of BenGay + a prosthetic leg).

  18. I've never had a horrible experience on the internet sites, and I met a few friends out in Boston (I live outside Detroit) and dated one for years. I met the guy I live with now on one, but things are cooling off after a year and I'm putting my big girl pants on and finding my own place
