Thursday, November 10, 2011

Random Photos Part Two

The Victoria's Secret fashion show was held last night and Kanye West was there to see who he could pick up. Not Miranda Kerr though.
Adrian Lima gives a whole new meaning to buffet.
Adam Levine was there with his girlfriend Anne V who also walked the runway.
In the front tow were LaLa Vasquez, Maxwell and Stephen Dorff.
And of course Orlando Bloom.
Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender share a hug.
Rachel Bilson and Kate Bosworth debate who has had the more disappointing career to date.
Robert DeNiro and his wife out last night.
Ryan Gosling takes a coffee break while Josh Brolin plays with his gun.
More Business Of Being Born? Really? Is this just an excuse for Ricki to get naked again.


  1. Adam and Anne always blind me w/ their hotness. The lighting sucks in that pic though.

  2. And Rachel and Kate both look like they are knocking on death's door they're so malnurished.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I have no idea why Rachel Bilson gets photographed but seriously, why must her and Kate Bosworth always do that pinched lip smile? I never really noticed it before until they do it side by side. It's annoying.

  4. Adam is looking very scrubbed up and sexy in that photo, and a lot less gay/bisexual than he usually does. I don't care who or how many he sleeps with, he is a sexy beast. Even though I hate tattoos, and Adam has too many for me, I'd still go there.

  5. FS, I totally agree. He's not my type - but damn - I'd be all over him in a minute.

  6. eh, Mia and the Fassbender are more than sharing a hug: that absolute merging of two bodies is definitely a sign of absolute physical comfort and attraction.

    Lucky Lady!

    and melt, the Gosling holding his gun. That jaw line is absolutely biteable.

  7. Adam is such a cutie. I want to adopt him! I don't think he was a good mentor on The Voice, though. He killed that one girl's chance by making her sing the Whitney version of "I Will Always Love You" instead of the Dolly version, since she was striving to be a country artist. So I'd slap him on the wrist for that, then adopt him :-)

    (His gf is not posing in a flattering way, though. I might have to bring that up with him.)

  8. Bahaha. That caption for Bilson and Bosworth made me laugh.

    Anyone read that article that came out the other day or so (I think it was on the Daily mail) about Lima? She says she doesn't eat solid foods beginning 9 days before a VS show and no water 12 hours before so she's sufficiently "dried out" and looks her best. Yeah. I could never be a model.

  9. I feel like there were about 8 blinds answered in todays pictures...

  10. Mia and Michael are too cute in that serie of pictures (thought I read it is total brother-sister comfort). Fassbender for Oscars, y'all.

  11. @RQ - at least she's honest about it. Unlike some other models (hum, Gisele) who say that they eat a hamburger before the show!

  12. Rachel and Kate looks like sisters.

    Who is Lala Vasquez? Very pretty lady..

  13. Hot damn, Maxwell.

    Thank you very much, Enty.

  14. I am proud to say I have never watched a VS show. And I don't plan on starting.

  15. I wish my name was LaLa! Everybody, call me LaLa from now on, K? *L*

    I kind of liked "The Business of Being Born". It was a little TMI at times (Ricki Lake naked in the bathtub, pulling a baby out of herself) but it was still an interesting documentary.

  16. @Maja - Lala in French means your weewee in a cute way... Or more accurately my nono lately. Insert Sad face here.

  17. Those generic beauties from the Victoria's Secrets show annoy the hell out of me. The way they're always pushing their butts out in pictures to fake curves. It always looks as if they're desperately trying to push out a fart.
    And that ridiculous "Oh, my beauty is so not supposed to be intimidating to other women. Also, I'm so silly and clumsy and a total tomboy. I don't want boys/men to think that I spend hours in the bathroom and are only focused on my looks and will ask them every minute if I look fat in this or that. I'm so very low maintenance, dudes!"-shtick. Ugh.

  18. Rita - true enough. Just...damn...I knew they had to practice self-restraint, I just didn't realize it was that brutal.

  19. I first thought Lala Vasquez was Mama Kris Kardashian!

  20. ^ Isn't LaLa a buddy of the Kartrashians? I have to admit however, she is very pretty. I have a big girl crush on Adriana.

  21. I might be the only one, but I really like Rachel Bilson.

  22. Ugh, for some reason that shot of Adriana Lima just screams how exploitative modeling is. Must be fun starving yourself just to be treated like a piece of meat.

    I love Rachel Bilson's new show. She can't pull off being a doctor, but she sure is adorable and likeable. And she needs to nail that hunky next-door neighbor ASAP!!!

  23. LaLa. With a J....hmmmm...

  24. Adam Levine looks baked. Sexy, but baked.

  25. Please learn De Niro's wife's name, come on.

  26. Adriana is honest about the crap you have to put your body through to look good for VS. She's lovely.

    No offence, but Adam Levine's girlfriend is so plain..she's no where pretty. Cut off the hair and dye it brown and she'd be a guy...but at least she has a good body..just saying
