Thursday, November 17, 2011

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

Ryan Reynolds heads out of Los Angeles yesterday after refusing to pass his tiara as Sexiest Man Alive to Bradley Cooper and giving it to his fellow Canadian, Ryan Gosling.
It is that time of the year - National Geographic photo time. These trees are covered in millions of spider webs. The spiders were escaping the floods in Pakistan.
That is one crazy cloud in Africa.
GQ honored Timothy Olyphant as their man of the year. Well, he looks good.
Ed Helms came out to help him celebrate as did
Jesse Williams and Joe Manganiello.
Clothes for adults from Toy Story? Really? Let me know if you see anyone wearing this stuff.

At what point do you say, you know what? I'm going to a red carpet and I'm going completely commando. Better hope that strap does not break.
Zoe Saldana out shopping.


Cecilia00 said...

I think the lady in the dress is an English reality star (thought I saw that on DListed). I guess she got exactly what she wanted from it - she is now o all the blogs.

Now! said...

Love Zoe Saldana's dress. As a pale blonde, that color would look awful on me - I'd look like a walking piece of cheddar cheese - but she pulls it off.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, but Joe Manganiello rocks my socks WAY more than some white bread BCoop...

RocketQueen said...

I dunno, Nutty - Kirsten Dunst wears it a lot and it looks terrific with her coloring. As does Michelle Williams.

Love Timothy Olyphant - Deadwood was so underrated.

Those spider pics are so cool.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I'm with Jewels. Kneepads is idiotic, Manganiello is the sexiest man alive by far.

RenoBlondee said...

Love Timothy and Deadwood also, RQ.
My husband named our son after his character from watching it when I was pregnant, Montana, his nickname from Bill. :)

Maja With a J said...

The spider tree freaks me the hell out!

Timothy Olyphant is a very handsome fella. And , well, you all already know what I would do to Joe Mangianello if given the chance...*L*

Anonymous said...

Those National Geographic pics are cool. Do kids read that magazine anymore? I imagine not.

Rita said...

Hmmm @Maja with a J, right after I'm done with him, of course. No telling if he'd be able to even walk around after you're done doing whatever you intend on doing.

Sylvia said...

LOL@Ryan's tiara

Wow @ tress and UFO cloud..

Love Timothy O. Good looking guy and his voice so sexy hehehe.

Joe M. looks bored lol

The hooker in the red dress I thought it was Ms. Lucite (Lorenzo Lamas ex) LOL. She looks nasty in that dress.

Zoe looks lovely...

Feisty said...

Joe Manganiello is part of my happy place. I love it when he's all angry on True Blood. And naked.

Unknown said...

The man that would wear a "Woody" shirt are also the ones that like that "Save a tree, Ride a Cowboy" song. God that is the worst song EVER.

Jessie said...

Red dress is Lauren Pope. She's a former model but I think in the lad's mag sense. And now she's on The Only Way is Essex.

evergrey said...

Timothy Olyphant - you are hotness! I love his show Justified, if you haven't seen it, check it out - on FX.

chopchop said...

OMG that spider tree made me shudder! I feel like there's one on my back now ... gaaaaah!

Lelaina Pierce said...

Manganiello just oozes the sexy. YUMMY!

I see people wearing Warner Brothers cartoon stuff all the time, so why not this? ;)

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Speaking of Ryan R. whatever happened to that sexy/cute blond from Two Guys, A Girl And A Pizza Place?

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Joe M. was at the Victoria's Secret fashion show party last week. I'll bet him and Leo have been up in more VS girls than a line of V-strings.

nunaurbiz said...

OK so Zoe is not on a red carpet, but she's posing like that so ... guess she NEEDS TO PEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hm, maybe that's why the dress is yellow hahahahahahaha)

Cindy said...

wasn't the song 'save a horse, ride a cowboy'? lol

New Life and Attitude said...

The girl in the red dress doesn't need to worry about the strap breaking. She needs to worry about a slight breeze or someone brushing up against her. DAMN!

ardleighstreet said...

Timothy O & Joe M ---throw in Hugh Jackman and I could die a happy girl.

califblondy said...

I think it's save a horse, ride a cowboy...

The "woody" shirt is just too easy.

Jasmine said...

Those spider trees took my breath away- goddamn do we have some beautifully haunting shit that happens on this planet. awesome.

and yeah, If I could be reincarnated I'd come back to look exactly like Zoe in that picture- gorgeous.

Snakeoiler said...

I love that red dress. It reminds me of something a Playboy centerfold wore in a shoot when I was 15, in 1977.

Seriously, though, you must have quite a bit of self-confidence about your body and a devil-may-care attitude about revealing youself to wear something like that.

Selock said...

Zoe Saldana is becoming my personal fashion icon.

She has the most beautiful dresses! (And wears the hell out of them.)

Stephanie said...

Wow, I am really surprised that Lauren Pope (skanky red dress girl)is getting coverage across the pond! I am hopelessly addicted to TOWIE, so I had to do a double take seeing her here. I thought she was a "DJ" though, not a model? Attention whore nonetheless.

KittensRUs said...

Zoe looks positively gorgeous. Great dress on her!

Lauren, well, dear, when you have cellulite, you need to cover it up. I know from experience.

mooshki said...

That dress screams 'attention whore.'

figgy said...

^^Right @Mooshki. Whereas Zoe's dress screams 'elegantly sexy.'

Linnea said...

I feel like Zoe just kind of brights up the room.

MaxyRave said...

RR, you are so cool. I wish you wer my bf. Feel like I am wasting time on these blokes around here. Im gonna dress like you today and go to the auto show. -- Lonely Superb Guy


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