Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

Mickey Rourke shows off his new lips to Chuck Liddell. Chuck says he would have gladly just beat Mickey Rourke for free and saved him the cost and time of a visit to the doctor.
Mark Wahlberg on the set of his new movie.
Barry Pepper also stars in it.
Filming a different movie in a whole other country is Penelope Cruz.
Ralph Fiennes looking a little stiff. Not as stiff as
Steve Martin though.
See, I bet you thought I was going to go for a stiff joke with Rebecca Romijn after that. Too easy. She looks great though.
Sandra Bullock out doing some retail therapy.
Taylor Swift shows off her shorter hair. Either that or she could not afford her hair extensions any longer.
You think The Zooey is wearing a wig here?


  1. That's not Taylor Swift on that pic.

  2. Taylor Armstrong?

    And good god! Mickey's mouth is insane! Gross!!

  3. OMG Mickey Rourke is giving Pete Burns a run for his money, WTF?!?!

  4. Mickey Rourke looks like a caricature for plastic surgery...JINKIES!

  5. Anonymous12:12 PM

    So now Mickey Rourke is ugly on the inside and out. That's apt.

  6. That's Mark Wahlberg's Blue Steel look

  7. oh Mickey - you are not so fine.

    Mark W. however....is!

  8. *That's* Rebecca Romijn? Hasn't she had a couple of kids? God bless her!

  9. RR looks amazing, no surprise though.

  10. Mmmm. Ralph Fiennes.

    That is all.

  11. I just like to remember Mickey Rourke from 9 1/2 weeks when he was top of his game sexy.

    This is just some Cylon that took over his life.

  12. OMG Mickey Rourke. Just STOP. He's starting to look monstrous.

    I love Barry Pepper - he just puts a smile on my face for some reason.

  13. Anonymous12:59 PM

    OMG -- Marky Mark has Man Boobs ! LOL

  14. WTF, Mickey Rourke!!

    Thanks to Andy Samberg, I can't look at Mark W. anymore without doing a little "Say hi to your mother for me."

    That's actually not a terrible picture of Taylor ARMSTRONG.

  15. Armstrong, not Swift.

    Oh my, Mickey Rourke! I think he's beaten Barry Manilow for scariest male plastic surgery.

  16. "Thanks to Andy Samberg, I can't look at Mark W. anymore without doing a little "Say hi to your mother for me."


  17. Mickey Rourke is now Michael Myers. Awesome.

    Zooey's show New Girl is absolutely hysterical. The first few episodes were lost on me but then the wedding episode kicked it home. Last week's had me on the floor crying...very funny.

  18. Personally, I think Chuck Liddell should beat Mickey Rourke anyway.
    @BigMama: Funny!
    I'm now referring to that woman as Vile Richards.

  19. Mickey Rourke looks like Donatella Versace, I cannot tell them apart.

  20. I want to smack the smug off of Vile Richards' face (thanks for that, great name!). I cannot STAND her. You KNOW she is practically salivating over the Kardashian's fall from grace and hoping she and her family can become King of the Famewhores once again. I don't know who's the lesser evil in this case...

  21. Ralph Fiennes and I were born on the same day, I mean, same day same year, Dec 22, 1962. That's it, that's my one claim to fame.

    Could be worse...could share a birthday with a Kardashian, right? I'll take my Ralph.

  22. Is the guy next to Mark Wahlberg Denzel Washington or do I need to go to the ophthalmologist stat?

  23. Mickey Rourke = clown.

    Zooey = Manic Pixie Dream Girl, which is sort of boring.

  24. Mickey.NO, just no.

  25. Mark Wahlberg or Ralph Fiennes would have made a great Reacher instead of TC

  26. I thought this week's New Girl was the first time the show was actually funny.

    Anotheramy, ugh, I don't think either of them would be a good Reacher either. Wahlberg comes off as too dumb, and Fiennes isn't butch enough. I'd like someone better known for being a tough guy, but who can also act. Like Colin Farrell, Christian Bale, Clive Owen, Daniel Craig, Eric Bana, Liam Neeson, Karl Urban, Keifer Sutherland... Rutger Hauer would've been perfect, if only he were younger. (Funny, since he was Anne Rice's first choice to play Lestat, but was too old at the time - another role I think Tom Cruise destroyed.) There are so many actors that would be better than Cruise. Although, probably the best thing would've been to go with an unknown, so they wouldn't have come with the typical movie star's baggage. I'm just hoping the Cruise version will bomb, and they'll try again in a few years with a different actor.

  27. (Oops, I should've said "last week's New Girl" - just realized a new ep is on right now. :) )

  28. omg, raplh fiennes....now that's some john hamm level swoooooon.......

  29. Anonymous6:52 PM

    "hey chicken, say hi to your mother for me."

  30. "Ralph Fiennes and I were born on the same day, I mean, same day same year, Dec 22, 1962. That's it, that's my one claim to fame."

    Figgy...that's my B-Day, too! Not the same year as you cool kids but it's cool to see someone else with the same day and it's good to know I share something with the fine Mr. Fiennes!

  31. Chuck Liddell should totally beat Mickey Rourke for doing that to his face. Give Steve Martin a slap while he's at it too. Geez, what could they possibly be thinking. Kenny Rodgers doesn't look so bad now.

  32. Timebob, I couldnt agree with you more. I fell in love with him and Eric Roberts in Pope of Greenwich Village. What a great movie! Does anyone remember the Eric Roberts movie King of the Gypsy's? He was the lead and oohh sooo hot!

  33. LOVE Barry Pepper. He was phenomenal as Bobby Kennedy. He's a WAY under rated actor.

  34. I had a huge crush on EmEyeCee for the longest time, until his face started changing. I did a series of sketches that I meant to turn into a series of paintings on the evolution of his face... I haven't added anything to that series for a good ten years. Those lips! Gahhh. I just found the sketches the other day. He was so young and pretty.

  35. Steve Martin looks like he has a hair piece on. His hair has been very thin the past few years.
