Sunday, November 20, 2011

People's Court Episode Airs - Woman Goes Missing

Michelle Parker's case was aired on Thursday. The episode involved her former boyfriend and father of her twins suing Michelle for $5,000 when she took off her engagement ring, threw it at him during a fight and ultimately lost it. Although he has physically abused her in the past, police say he is not as suspect in her disappearance. She was due to show up at 8pm for her shift as a bartender, but never showed up for work. She was last seen by her friends after watching the episode together at 2pm.


  1. yeah I don't think this story is going to have a happy ending.

  2. Who won the case, her or the boyfriend?

  3. never saw the outcome, just the clips. Sadly, I think the boyfriend probably did it. The report I saw said no one saw her after she was supposed to drop her kids off to him.

  4. I saw the episode. Both her and the boyfriend/fiance/father (they have three-year-old twins) were assessed half the cost of the ring, which meant she owed him money. He wasn't happy. He wanted it all; a little over 3K as I recall.

    During the case, she acted very calm and actually sounded fairly mature--so much so that I wondered why she was with this hot-headed jerk. Also, he wasn't seeing his kids. Judge Milian told them they should stay away from each other, but should be there for the kids.

  5. I saw the episode, too (I'm a People's Court junkie and watch it both times it aires Monday-Friday in Los Angeles). She seemed really intelligent, other than sticking with the guy.

    @Kathy - the litigants on the show never pay what they owe; the show pays, which is the litigants' "fee" for being there and (sometimes) looking like complete idiots.

  6. exactly @iheart the show pays. and to be perfectly honest when i saw the episode (love peoples court) i got chills up my spine and a really weird feeling about the whole situation going on. i was at work, normally i don't pay attention too much but this one really stood out to me and sadly i think the poor woman is dead.

  7. Where have the twins been the whole time?

  8. There has to be more to the story - I'm off to google.

  9. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Wow, didn't know the show pays any court costs. Learn something knew.

    Poor lady. Hope she's found soon. And alive.

  10. Wow she's gorgeous! I hope she isn't foun dead..Not because she's beautiful but for all the obvious reasons and especially for her children. Sad...

  11. Wow she's gorgeous! I hope she isn't foun dead..Not because she's beautiful but for all the obvious reasons and especially for her children. Sad...

  12. So even though this guy isn't out any money, he's still upset because he didn't *win.* Control issues, much? I've only just stopped watching these shows *because* lately I've seen a string of men on them who are clearly abusers and have no problem lying on the air. They are also disrepectful to the judges and are *astonished* when they are called on it. I thought maybe the producers give them a drink beforehand so they don't think about what they'll look like on tape.

  13. I didn't know the show paid the court costs either! That explains a lot.

  14. I heard on the news the show was taped months ago and no one knew when it would actually air.

    Her family said this & that they don't believe the show had anything to do with it. Random they think.

    Still sad & upsetting.
