Omar White Dumps Vivica Fox - Too Much Drama & Negativity
Omar White and Vivica Fox have been engaged for about 10 months. No longer though. Apparently Omar finally realized that being with Vivica Fox means you will have drama in your life. Lots of it. Not sure why it took him this long to figure it out. In a statement to TooFab he said, "She's a good woman, it's just one of those situations where in life people outgrow each other. I'm highly intelligent, very wise and one thing I hate is negativity and drama. I hate arguing and I value communication no matter what the problem so as in any relationship tension can build up and I finally had to walk away."
Yeah, I bet they had some monster arguments. Good for 47 year old Vivica snagging a 28 year old guy. At some point though, you would think she would start to relax and just enjoy life. She is way too tense and the word diva was invented for people like Vivica.