Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mom Gets Arrested For Making Her Daughter Get Naked On Skype

As bad as this mother is, she also sounds like someone who is not the brightest person in the world. Police in Massachusetts arrested a woman who got naked and then forced her daughter to get naked on Skype for a man who was posing as a photographer who was offering $20,000 to the winner of a competition. The man would have never been caught or the mother arrested if she had not told her twin sister about it. She brought it up to her sister to complain about how unwilling the daughter was to get naked. The twin sister called the police and after a month long investigation, the mother and the "photographer" who lived in Iowa were arrested. The mom is out on bail provided she has nothing to do with her kids. Apparently the twin sister had no idea police would arrest her sister and would not have called police if she had known that. They were just trying to get the man arrested. Seriously? He wanted to see the two naked, but it was the mom who forced the underage daughter to get naked. How should she get away with that? The mom is calling herself the victim.

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  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Sick...the whole world has gone crazy it seems like.

  2. I read this on a local (to me) mom's blog on Friday. It was titled "Is this mom really that stupid". I believe the girl was only 10 years old.

  3. Damn it - Of course she would have to live in a trailer park - I swear we aren't all white trash LOL but seriously - this is just unbelievably stupid and she shouldn't have her kids - cause if she will do something like this what's next?? I shudder to think...

  4. Because people are under the impression that they arent responsible for their own actions as long as they can find someone else to blame.

  5. see what Lindsay Lohan has brought to the world. "it's the never my fault defense".

  6. Let's see...the mother believed that a "fashion photographer" on the internet would offer up a $20k prize for random people and also believed that they couldn't see him because his webcam was broken. Hmmm...

    Yep, definitely NOT the brightest.

  7. What Lelaina said.

    Good for the sister!
