Friday, November 25, 2011

Mickey Rourke Is A Tool

I don't care if you are male or female, if you read any portion of this interview with Mickey Rourke you will walk away from it not liking him. So, if you are a fan, you should probably not read it. The guy is a misogynist a-hole and thinks most actresses are c**ts, especially the ones who will not f**k him.

When asked about his movie Immortals and what it was like to work on it, did he talk about the acting, or the story or anything like that? Nope. Here is all he said. "I showed up. The director spent three years working on the overall look of the film and that really helped. They paid me a lot of money for a few days of work so I was happy to go. It's just a shame I didn't get to work with the hot blond chick, Isabel Lucas. I also loved Frieda Pinto, but she has a boyfriend. She's a really nice person and I have great respect for her as an actress - and I think most actresses are c---s with a capital K."

Apparently he is also spelling challenged. Seriously, the only thing he cares about is who he can sleep with and I am actually surprised he had anything nice to say about Frieda since she had a boyfriend. Maybe she flirted with him or something.


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