Friday, November 25, 2011

Michael Lohan Having Heart Surgery Today

Yesterday Michael Lohan was rushed to the hospital after he complained of chest pains. Doctors say he needs a stent and his lungs have clots in them. No matter what you think of someone and I don't think much of Michael Lohan, I would hate for the guy to die. Plus, the sooner he gets better, the more gossip material he can provide. Maybe this will also slow the guy down so he does not spend so much time terrorizing the women in his life.


  1. Aaannnnddd, I'll need eyeball surgery to wipe his gross armpit outta my memory...

  2. He has a heart ?

  3. "Lookin' good, Michael, lookin' DAMN good!" (to his reflection in the mirror he's checking out in that picture.)

  4. Sorry, but that's what you get after years and years of drug, alcohol, and women abuse. Also, putting himself always in stressful situations (or in his case, causing them) couldn't have helped at all.

    Hope he sees the light.

    Wait, that was mean. I didn't mean for his to really die and see the light, more like get better and see the light, i.e. error of his ways. Oh, happy thanksgiving.

  5. "Stents" isn't exactly heart surgery. Angioplasty is a common procedure and most people go home the same day.

    When he has real heart surgery (bypass, valve replacement, you know, an operation performed by an actual SURGEON), maybe I'll worry. But probably not.

  6. I used to assist at stent placement. Little Miss is correct - you stay in postop about 6 hours and go home. Although not sure about the lung clots - that might buy him an overnight stay, especially if they put him on some kind of heparin drip.

  7. Meant to say - an overnight stay at least, probably more.

  8. I love that some regular posters work in the medical and legal professions. Some days I actually can feel like I'm learning something instead of just filling my brain with mindless gossip. Thanks for the info! :)

  9. The douche chooses NOT to work, and as such I'm sure he has no medical insurance. So now the rest of society gets to pay for his surgery! Asshole needs to die.

  10. Lol Robert! I can't even concentrate on the content of this post with that picture. Come ON, Lohan. "Mmm....see my bicep?"

  11. I worked with a guy who had a blood clot in his lung. While he was in hospital getting treated it came loose, moved to his heart, and killed him.

  12. No one needs to worry that he will die. I think it's been proven that among "celebrities" at least, the worst examples of humanity live long lives, while the ones that are good people die young.

  13. You're a nice person Enty. I never hope for batterers to recover!

  14. I'm too damn old have any sympathy. I hope the doctor's scalpel slips.

    And then magically flies across the country and takes out Dina.

  15. Selenakyle, LOL, armpit pic. Classic PTSD reaction.

  16. That shameless girl next to him is a hybrid lookalike of Tara Reid and Brittany Spears. I don't think he was showing off any muscles. I think the moment before or after this shot was him checking out his own funk. This photographer failed us in not setting her camera to the, dont know the technical name, but the fast action continuous shots setting. But I've just filled it in for you.

  17. Honestly, I don't give a shit if her lives or dies. I don't wish death on him, but I don't care either way.

  18. I agree, parissucks. I'll save my sympathy for people who deserve it.

  19. I wonder if Lindsay will rush to his side? Even if I hated my parents I'd be concerned.

  20. Oh geez .. you guys are nicer than me. Sorry Mike .. I would have your sorry child-life-ruining-woman-beating ass shuffle off your mortal coil .. But these find folks are waaaaay better than me!

    As for his clots .. They would probably pump him full of TPA and Heparin and put him on a regimen of coumadin/warfarin. My access for dialysis used to get clotted time and again and that is what they would use to breakup the clots. So he should be fine... sadly. (EVIL!!)

  21. Unfortunately, a clot to the lung is not only painful as hell but also kills most people it happens to.

    A prime example would be President Clinton's mother. She died from it.
    Its not a laughing matter or anything to take with a grain of salt. Its called a pulmonary embolism. I know this because I survived one. And I'm sorry Wil but they do not pump you full of blood thinners when you have a clot to the lung...they operate on your because other wise that clot can go to your heart and bam your dead! (I've had clots twice and now have whats known as a greenfield filter in my main vein that keeps clots from going to my heart and killing me)

    While for the most part, Michael might be a waste of space, no one deserves to deal with that kind of pain, or threat of loss of life.

  22. This person in my life who is a dad has had several heart surgeries and NOTHING is gonna stop him from hurting his body. Good luck to him and his family though, I understand.
