Kris Jenner Spews Nonsense About Kim Kardashian Wedding & Divorce
I don't think I have ever heard a more ridiculous interview ever. Kris Jenner was on Johnjay and Rich yesterday and she is probably still dizzy from all the spinning she did. When she finished, I expected the heavens to open up and for someone to make Kim Kardashian a saint right then. Just put her right up there next to Mother Theresa and Oprah and call it a day.
In the interview, Kris says her daughter is 30. Actually Kim is 31. (Spin #1) She also says it was news to her that Kim was going to file for divorce. Uh huh. Lets see. You spent most of one week with her two weeks ago in Dubai and it never came up? Not once? You said before you talk to Kim multiple times each day and it never came up? I find that really hard to believe. (Spin #2)
She also said that Kim is not the first person to get a divorce. However she failed to mention this is divorce number two for Kim. (Spin #3)
Kris also took the opportunity at all times during the show to make sure she plugged all of the television shows that Kim and her other daughters are on as well as E! and the network in general. She sounded like a driver for NASCAR. (Spin #4,5,6)
Probably the biggest spin of all was what she said about the wedding. She said, "She didn't make a dime off of this wedding. She actually spent millions of dollars on this wedding, so it's not something that she thought would ever not be happily ever after." Umm, I don't care what kind of nonsense you feed the IRS about expenses and such, the fact is Kim walked away with millions of dollars from the wedding. Everyone has said it and everyone has reported how much was spent by sponsors but not Kim. If you say she did not make one dime off the wedding then you need to sue every tabloid who says Kim made millions because we are all going to say it everyday. There is no way on this earth that Kim personally spent millions of dollars on the wedding. There just isn't. (Spin #7)
Finally, Kris was asked about Kim giving her wedding presents back. Kim would never give anything back. Instead, Kris says that Kim will make a donation to an organization. (Spin #8)
A ginormous donation like she does all the time. (Spin #8) Define ginormous and all the time.