Thursday, November 24, 2011

Kim Kardashian Tries To Look Like She Cares

If you are a celebrity and want to impress me charity wise then you should take a look at my kindness items and try and duplicate some of those. Don't just go down to the Los Angeles Mission for a few hours once a year with a camera crew and pretend you actually care about the homeless. You don't. You want publicity. Kim Kardashian served up food to the homeless for the first time. She has never done it before and if she is having a good year next Thanksgiving you can bet she will not be back. It is such a publicity ploy that it makes me sick. She is using homeless people for publicity. At least Jennifer Love Hewitt does it every year and Blake Underwood. But, the difference with those two is that they also do other things during the year. Lots of things. Kim does not. She does nothing. Nada. Zilch. Oh, and the other thing I hated was she Tweeted all her followers telling them she did it. Please, oh please pat me on my back.


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