Kim Kardashian To Make Money On Charity Gift
So, what to do about all those wedding presents that Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries received just 72 short days ago? Well, according to etiquette experts the gifts should be returned. Fat chance of that. Kim's mom has already said that Kim will make a donation of the gifts to charity. Lets think about that for a second shall we. How much do you think the gifts Kim and Kris received are worth? I don't know either, but for fun lets say they were worth $100K. Now, Kim is going to take those $100K worth of gifts and donate them to a charity. Who do you think is going to deduct that $100K gift from her taxes? You got it. Kim is going to make money off the gifts people gave her for her own wedding. She needs to return them. She won't, but she should.