Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kelly Preston Wants To Sell You Her Diet Program

It is amazing to me how low Kneepads will go sometime. Kelly Preston is almost 50 so the fact that she lost 39 pounds of baby weight and is at a lower weight then she was before she got pregnant could make for an interesting story. Instead, Kneepads turns it into a paid advertisement for every Scientologist they can fit into one sentence. Ads are the things on the right and left and top not within the article itself.

If you read this article it is obvious that Kneepads did not write the entire thing. Here are some sample quotes from it.

"but over the past year she's dipped below her pre-pregnancy weight – and is relishing a new figure and renewed vitality as she approaches the mid-century mark."

A renewed vitality? Really? Does anyone use that word? Weight loss companies do, but not normally objective reporters.

"I lost 39 lbs., have more energy than I had 20 years ago – and I feel amazing. I'm going to be turning 50 next year – holy s–––! Hey, 50 is the new 30."

The reason she has more energy than she had 20 years ago is she is not dodging bullets and partying all night with Charlie Sheen.

Her secret to losing all this weight? The diet program she and Kirstie Alley started together. I can't even write about it. I can't believe Kneepads lets this stuff go through and does not even challenge anything or say it is an ad. They even link to the site where you can buy everything. Is this "reporter," Elizabeth Leonard even a real person? Kelly says that Kirstie lost 100 pounds with the system. Uh huh. Let me tell you how Kirstie Alley lost 100 pounds. Not eating, dancing 8 hours a day and chain smoking. All of you can lose weight the same way too and don't need to buy pills or supplements. Starve yourself and exercise and you will lose weight. It's brilliant.


parissucksliterally said...


I am so fucking SICK of these articles about women who can afford CHEFS and TRAINERS losing pregnancy weight!

Patty said...

I saw this somewhere else and expected you to post.

The best take away from this is that 50 is the new 30, because I'm fast approaching the mid-century mark.

Other than that, please STFU Kelly.

SpunkyPR said...

I'm with you paris, I'm sick of hearing how these people who have money to burn lose weight and then tell us "normal" folks how we can do it too. Unless these weightloss programs come with the personal trainer, chef, plastic surgeon, nannies and a million dollars so I won't have to go to my 9-5 job, then not going to work for me.

Bit dams said...

i saw the trending articles on people's website, and that "kelly preston loses 39lbs" was right up there near the top. we MUST be thin! healthy is ok, but thin is FABULOUS!

btw, have you noticed how thin the oldest obama daughter is these days. her mom basically called her fat about a year ago, and now, after an obvious growth spurt she is stick like.

MISCH said...

I though she used a surrogate...

RenoBlondee said...

Exactly. Eat less, move more. No supplements or diet aids needed. Such bullshit.

MISCH said...

I'm lucky I've never been overweight, but my body was changing and I didn't like it. I though all the walking I did would be enough but it wasn't.
So I started in the house with one of those like machines and started to see an improvement so joined a gym...well 3 years later it's much better....
So I say yes, get moving there is no magic bullet and it won't happen over night...
And don't believe Kelly Preston....PLEASE !!!

Jeannies Bottle said...

She lost the weight by taking off the fake baby bump

Sadie said...

Wait, What? I thought for sure it was a baby bump and the baby was "birthed" by a surrogate and the reason she did all of it is to keep John from coming out.

feraltart said...

And sometimes, those of us who go to the gym and watch what we eat are still fat. Some people just are. But I am fit and healthy. Went to the gym yesterday, 3 weeks after my hysterectomy. Couldn't do all I used to, but am pretty impressed with myself. Will go again tomorrow then build up over the coming weeks to get back to 5 days.

RocketQueen said...

Good for you, feraltart :)

Anonymous said...

I think we all just need to chill and quit worrying about what we look like and how to achieve perfection all the damn time. We're ALL DIFFERENT. If you are looking down on somebody because they are not perfect...maybe the problem is YOU.

annabella said...

I hate when do nothing celebrities tell us, the great unwashed, how to be like them.

no woman should be having a baby nearing 50. I'm sure she was shot up w/alot of hormones. elizabeth edwards had babies in her very late 40's, also after the death of a son. I'm sure eliz. was shot up w/hormones to get pregnant as well and things didn't end well for her.

maybe suri can gain and lose weight and then she can write a book too.

MISCH said...

feraltart..Keep up the good work out, it's hard to get back in the grove...

RenoBlondee said...

You are exactly right. I fall under that category as well. I started running 3 years ago and lost about 30 pounds and then just stopped. I lowered my calories, I tried upping my (healthy) calories. I worked out more, but still stay the same. According to doctors or whatever I should weigh about 30 or more pounds less and it aint happenin. BUT, I run 5K's and 10K's any day of the week and that's a hell of alot more then most thin people can do.
Good for you too and good luck!

selenakyle said...

What in THE hell is she wearing in this photo? Jeez.

And STFU Kelly. Who gives a shit.

mooshki said...

I'm so sick of people thinking your health is based on your weight. An "overweight" person who exercises regularly and eats right is going to be a lot healthier than a skinny person who does neither, but most people will take one look at them and judge them the opposite.

Anotheramy said...

Kellys baby weight was produced by eating cake and lost by working with her personal trainer. KA lost weight by getting lap band.

I am as sure that KP used a surrogate as I am that Suri is older than they claim. Even though all the signs point to Nicole Kidman also using a surrogate, Im not sure she did. Thats how positive I am about KP and Suri.

Lelaina Pierce said...

I don't need a celebrity diet plan, especially one Kirstie Alley or anyone involved in Scientology created.

P.S. I'm disturbed by the "mid-century" remark. I know what the word means, but it sounds SOOOO much older than 50 when they say it that way.


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