Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Katy Perry Loves Fast Food And Booze - Not Pregnant

I love how Katy Perry will talk about pregnancy and how she wants kids and that is the best part of marriage and it really makes you feel like she is selling this Russell Brand marriage as best as she can. I also get the feeling she knows it is doomed, but will play it out until it can't be played anymore. She says that all the pregnancy speculation about her...Wait, was there pregnancy speculation about her? I don't remember any. She says it can be attributed to loving In-N-Out and Taco Bell. Oh and she loves her booze. That was the main reason she gave for not wanting to get pregnant. "I love to drink too much." Seriously? Not going to sugarcoat it. Loves booze too much, and not giving it up. If I had to sleep with Russell Brand, I would probably love booze too.


  1. Because it really is no one's business but her own.

  2. the pregnancy rumors started when she did a show at Madison Square Garden and she had a pooch belly. She claimed it was all that NYC pizza.

    I think taking the year off he is her hail mary pass at saving the marriage. But she parties and he can't. I don't see it lasting much longer.

  3. Yeah, I think if you admittedly cannot quit booze, you should never have kids, ever.

    If you quit during your pregnancy, a boozing mother is nothing to be proud of.

  4. Interesting comment regarding her love of boozing it up considering her husband is a recovering alcoholic. Yeah. This marriage will last. (Eyeroll.)

  5. Fine, gain weight. But realize you are bigger and wear more flattering costumes, rather than keep running around in underwear.

    Though I'd prefer she disappears altogether. I find her to be talentless and so annoying.

  6. Anonymous10:29 AM

    As much as I want them to make it - I just gotta wonder how her love of booze goes with Russel sobriety? I didn't think she had a pooch belly - just that her dress was skin tight & left no room for any flaws.

  7. Yeah, how does that work...being in recovery and married to someone who drinks a lot? I used to like to get my drink on before I got pregnant too, but now it bothers me when my fiance drinks in front of me...I can't imagine a lifetime of being annoyed by your partner doing something you can't or don't want to do right in front of you.

  8. Just saw in the last week on one of the fringe blogs, maybe IDLYITW or whatever, but it was a picture of Katy Perry and all it said pretty much was "I'm gonna go ahead and call it that Katy Perry is pregnant". So yes, there was rumors Enty.

  9. Anonymous10:36 AM

    @ RocketQueen: Yep. Partners are a different story than friends drinking around you when you can't. There has to be respect there. She should have stayed with the Grobes or Travis, both love to drink.

  10. RQ - I enjoyed a half glass of red wine on the weekends while prego. My OB actually said he would prefer I drink wine rather than coffee. Hope you are feeling well!!

    The week I was officially knocked up, (but did not know it yet) I did the following: Ate sushi twice, consumed vodka and copious amounts of wine and fell flat on my face at the bar Amada in Philly. Oh, not to mention the pain killers taken to deal with the hangover. Good times. Hee. The day I peed on the stick with the plus sign, these images of my hot mess bad mommy self flashed before my eyes.

  11. @Susan
    Same w/ my pregancy too about the drinking. Glad to hear it wasn't just me! LOL
    I appreciate how Katy was honest about not being ready because she parties! Good for her!
    She also said her "top p***y"!? was fat and if they wanted to call that pregant good for them, but she loved her food too much. LOL

  12. Anonymous10:48 AM

    @ Susan: lol. I think some of us have mommy angels on our shoulders. At least we stopped the hot mess moments when we see the plus sign on a stick.

  13. Thanks Susan - yes to be honest, I've been enjoying a glass of red about once a week also, since about 12 weeks. My doctor said it was fine when enjoyed with a meal, especially after a hard, stressful day. He told me that doctors generally advise against any alcohol for most women because they're afraid they can't stick to the "one glass" rule. In Europe, drinking in moderation while pregnant is pretty common - it's really only in North America where women are cast as devils if they have a bit of wine :)

    What I have lost tolerance for is being around people who are getting DRUNK. My boy sometimes has his friends over and they sit there with the whiskey or beer or whatever watching the game and I get so annoyed that I end up kicking them all out or just going to bed. It's just not pleasant being around drunk people when I'm dead sober, I've learned!

  14. Anonymous11:05 AM

    ENT you already do love booze, what the hell?

  15. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Small amounts of red wine throughout pregnancy are fine. People freak out about it, but red wine has a lot of health benefits.
    I LOVE that Katy referenced her FUPA, not that she has one.

  16. I didn't see that this was a video, I just remembered what I had read on E!. Oops.
    OMG, I had NO IDEA that's what FUPA stands for! What a total idiotic dingbat I feel like! LOL
    I knew the word from websites and bloggers and all, but never paid attention to what it was! Where have I been?! LOLOL

  17. Not getting how anyone can think she's the 'bees knees'. Nothing about her adds up. She plays cute nice girl, but she's out partying when her husband is a recovering addict. She claims "Christian" and all offended by people like Gaga, but she flits around looking like a candy wrapped hooker. I don't care if she drinks, and I don't care how she dresses- I just don't like hypocrites.

  18. Ha! I had a similar experience when pregnant with my first... A group of friends and I went out to a Russian supper club in Brighton Beach (Brooklyn) - needless to say, tons of vodka and pickled fish were introduced to my system. Someone even had a pack of KOCMOC (some Russian cigarettes I hadn't seen since being in Russia when I was 15). Even as a non-smoker, I took a drag or two. I found out I was pregnant 2 days later. I felt like such a jerk.

    With this pregnancy being around people drinking hasn't annoyed me. I went out with some girlfriends to watch a football game this past Sunday. My friend said she wouldn't drink much, and proceeded to have 2 bloody mary's, umpteen Bud Lights and 2 shots. I wasn't annoyed, but somewhat in awe of the wooden leg she must have.

    Don't get the Katy Perry attraction at all...

  19. I've dated a guy who was in recovery. I felt awkward drinking around him, he was adamant that I should because it was his problem not mine. So I stuck to one drink when we went out, and didn't really enjoy it.

    I definitely didn't talk about how awesome alcohol is. I don't see how this will work out between them longterm, if she keeps publicly talking up her booze love. It's pretty disrespectful of the hard work staying sober is.

  20. Susan beat me to it! How does her boozing sit with the sober Brandt? That is a telling statement.

  21. It's one thing if you are in recovery and your partner drinks like a normal person. To enjoy and not to get drunk. Someone with good sobriety doesnt usually care. . It is a whole other thing if you are in recovery and your partner is a " partier.". Russel Brand had some life or death battles w/booze & drugs so going back out for him could be devastating. The divide between the person who is seeking a sober life and the person who can't have a good time without chemical enhancement is wide and will only get wider with time, if the partier is indeed developing a problem. How can you ever form real intimacy? . Also, For "normal" drinkers, the idea of not drinking ( or drinking just a few glasses of wine in a given week) is not that big a deal, especially when the upside is having a family. It could be a sign of a problem if the whole idea of quitting makes that not a possibility ( the problem drinker knows that for her there is no such thing as ' one glass of wine.') Love this couple but this is a bad sign.

  22. @Susan, never been prego but every day is kinda like that weekend.. I think I need treatment baaaad!

    No seriously, how many of us 60's kids have pics with mom drinking and smoking and hugely pregnant? Yeah see what I mean? For all you who did a "little" before you found out I think it is perfectly okay.

  23. @Sherry
    I got some, but I was born in 1970.

  24. Late to the party but I never had a problem with folks boozing around me when I was pregnant. Why is it so upsetting? I would just laugh at the or go to bed. Yes, drunk people are annoying when you are sober. Also, I never had my partner stop because of me... I don't understand why women do that. I'm not trying to be bitchy, just trying to understand. If i needed my husband i would just tell him not to drink a certain evening. Towards the end pf the prego he stopped everything (last 2weeks). All my (few) friends that have been pregnant share my view!
