Kate Middleton Skips Peanuts - Therefore Must Be Pregnant
Kate Middleton and Prince William were in Copenhagen this week. I actually thought it was where they made the chewing tobacco by that name, but it turns out it is Denmark. Huh. You think they named it after the Danish city? If you think about it, the name of the chewing tobacco is kind of odd. Some good old boy in the South reaches for a dip of Copenhagen? You would think they would have named it something like Moonshine or some more appropriate name. The same company also makes Skoal. Another tribute to Northern Europe. Fascinating I know. Where was I?
Oh yeah, William and Kate in Copenhagen and they were sampling food from UNICEF boxes and Kate did not eat any of the peanut paste. Is that different from peanut butter? Because peanut butter is one of the miracles of the world, but peanut paste? Maybe she just does not like it. But, because she is Kate and we love a good pregnancy story, everyone assumes she was not eating it so her unborn baby would not get a peanut allergy. I swear if she rubbed her belly, the British tabloids would all have groaned in a collective orgasm of anticipation.