Sunday, November 06, 2011

Kate Major On Dr. Drew Tomorrow

Dr. Drew is going to blow his entire sweeps budget in one episode tomorrow. Already airing Courtney Stodden and her breast reveal, Dr. Drew is also airing an interview with Kate Major where she talks about Michael Lohan and why he is such an a-hole. I wonder if she talks about why she always takes him back. During the interview, Kate says that Michael Lohan is on steroids. Well, that makes sense. The day she first called the police, Michael was running around the house with a vase over his head saying he was going to smash it on his head if she called the police. She also describes the abuse she has lived through from Michael, including, getting thrown down some steps, repeatedly spat on and having an eyeliner pencil shoved down her throat.

Kate also says she has e-mails from Michael to porn companies where he is trying to sell sex tapes of Kate and Michael together which were filmed without her knowledge. Remember when she used to date Jon Gosselin? Think Michael filmed them together too?

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