The Kardashian Media Blitz Has Begun
Have you noticed that over the past 24 hours that anything you have read pertaining to Kim Kardashian says that Kris Humphries is evil or that Kris Humphries called Kim fat or that Kris Humphries is a bully. It is like 24 hours of anti Kris Humphries. This was coming. It had to come. You can either look at this one of two ways. It is being done to try and make Kim look like a victim so people start supporting her again, because right now it is bleak, or it is being done because no one is supporting Kim right now and things are bleak. Yeah, they are the same. I told you weeks ago that on the new season of the show they were going to make Kris look like a villain. If they made him look all great then Kim would even look worse. Her only salvation is to make him look homophobic, verbally abusive to Kim and as a-holey as possible. With the premiere of the show this Sunday and a desperate need for viewers, the media onslaught begins and now when people do watch they will go into the show with a predisposition to think Kris might be a jerk and maybe Kim was right to leave him. The thing to remember is to not support Kim at all because then she will be out of our lives much sooner. If we are lucky this could turn into a Speidi rather than the lingering hanging on of the Valtrexed one, Paris Hilton. She still kind of pops up every so often.