Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Justin Bieber Is A Dad - Maybe

It has been a bust month for Justin Bieber. First, he and his girlfriend adopted a dog, and now a woman is claiming that Justin Bieber is the father of her three month old baby. She has filed a paternity lawsuit against the singer and of course a tabloid was the first to be told. Hey, why not make a few bucks while you file the suit. The woman, who was 19 at the time, claims she went backstage at a Justin Bieber concert in Los Angeles. She somehow found the singer attractive and claims she had sex with him. Apparently one time was enough and wham, she got pregnant. Probably saving herself just for Justin. Of course Bieber's people are up in arms and are saying she is lying and this is crazy and false, and blah blah blah. But, it turns out they are saying this without even seeing the suit. What will be hilarious to me is if they come back later and have to make some kind of deal because Bieber is the father. I wonder how Selena would react. Being a step mom at 19 is not the easiest thing in the world. Do I think it is possible? Absolutely. Are you kidding me? Hundreds of teens a night who want to have sex with him and he always says no? The sad thing is, I hope when he does have sex, that he is using protection, otherwise this kind of thing is going to happen much more often and he is going to be carrying lots of nasty diseases around with him for the majority of his life when he is not as famous or as rich and probably balding. I see him going bald.


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