It has been a bust month for Justin Bieber. First, he and his girlfriend adopted a dog, and now a woman is claiming that Justin Bieber is the father of her three month old baby. She has filed a paternity lawsuit against the singer and of course a tabloid was the first to be told. Hey, why not make a few bucks while you file the suit. The woman, who was 19 at the time, claims she went backstage at a Justin Bieber concert in Los Angeles. She somehow found the singer attractive and claims she had sex with him. Apparently one time was enough and wham, she got pregnant. Probably saving herself just for Justin. Of course Bieber's people are up in arms and are saying she is lying and this is crazy and false, and blah blah blah. But, it turns out they are saying this without even seeing the suit. What will be hilarious to me is if they come back later and have to make some kind of deal because Bieber is the father. I wonder how Selena would react. Being a step mom at 19 is not the easiest thing in the world. Do I think it is possible? Absolutely. Are you kidding me? Hundreds of teens a night who want to have sex with him and he always says no? The sad thing is, I hope when he does have sex, that he is using protection, otherwise this kind of thing is going to happen much more often and he is going to be carrying lots of nasty diseases around with him for the majority of his life when he is not as famous or as rich and probably balding. I see him going bald.
How soon will be be going the way of the Jonas?
ReplyDeleteI think he was a virgin until Selena because his mother was with him 24/7 until recently. I think it's one of those psychotic women who was probably so in love with him, she imagined all this in her head and decided a lawsuit would at least get her closer to him. She probably doesn't believe DNA tests are accurate and figures there is a chance it could show a possibility. Remember that woman that claimed Keanu Reeeves fathered like 5 of her children and he had never met her? She sued him and made him get paternity tests and everything. I also think if this *did* happen, Justin's people would have covered it up and it would have not become public. But because she never even contacted him or his people first shows she most likely never met him before and had no way to contact them.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I believe the woman, but I do think the scenario is plausible.
ReplyDeleteIt would totally ruin his image if it is true. (Although I do give him & Selena credit for not doing the Justin & Britney "We're virgins" thing)
So we'll see if his people make this quietly go away. Although if she is making a false and frivolous claim, he should sue her for defamation as well as for his attorney fees.
Did anyone read the (alleged) transcript of how this woman said it went down? I felt a little dirty after reading it.
ReplyDeleteI think the scenario is plausible but I don't buy this particular story.
Ellen had Bieber on yesterday (the whole show which was WAYYY to much Bieber). The kid kind of gets on my nerves but I thought it was kind of cool that he apparently gives back to this food bank that he used to go to back when he was non-famous Bieber.
This woman could go to jail......that's sex with a minor.
ReplyDeleteAnyway you look at it she was an adult and he wasn't.
Well whatever...
Thr woman was only 19, so I think jail time is out -- most states don't make it a crime if the two teens are within a couple of years age.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to think here. It's definitely plausible - I always wonder why this doesn't happen more often. Tons of teenyboppers would sleep with Justin, no condom needed.
Another thing, tangentially related. Is anyone else squicked out by the teacher/student storyline on glee last night?
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty damn detailed. I don't know if the KID is his, but this story seems plausible.
ReplyDeleteEither way, men of ALL ages need to realize that "I wanna fuck the shit out of you" isn't the most erotic phrase.
And put a rubber on it next time, Justin! Gawd! You know, I grew up in the early eighties and had the fear of AIDS drilled into me from about the first grade onward. I cannot believe that a generation born long after I was is so cavalier about disease transmission, not to mention unwanted pregnancies! And it's NOT just boys Justin's age. I hear about this kind of situation constantly -- that it feels "more natural" without a loveglove. Tough titty! Unless you're in a committed relationship and have been tested, use a condom! Use a condom! Why is this such a crazy concept to some people?!
I hope it's his -- at least then the kid will have ample monetary support. *sigh*
I think Selena is drop-dead beautiful and she's way too good for his ass. I want her to have a good reason to dump him, honestly.
Yeah, she would have been about 18 when this went down and he about 16 so I don't see any legal issues.
ReplyDeleteI hope it's his too, for financial support for the baby, as well as - if it isn't, the baby has a loon/opportunist for a mother.
The backstage scenario happened to me once at a huge concert. Bodyguards approached me and took me backstage into the band's party room. I got to bring my friends thank god (not that stupid) I just wanted to drink and play records which I totally did and had a blast. The lead singer was dry humping a gross troll stripper with a phony-tail down to her gross ass with thongs hanging out. So this story is believable but then she kind of makes it a little to crazy and psycho.
ReplyDelete@bloodonthescreen -- DETAILS, PLEASE.
ReplyDeleteCan you give us a hint? :-)
It was years ago but it was the Deftones. I know its not that interesting but I loved that band. meh. They were huge at one point.
ReplyDeleteMy gaydar must be really off if this is true.
ReplyDelete@bloodonthescreen -- Ha! I was hoping you were older and had some scandalous encounter with the dudes from Led Zeppelin or something. ;-)
ReplyDeleteHey, it's still an interesting story.
I WISH!!! My mom saw Zep actually and became very friendly lets say with the Allman Brothers. I am 29. Wish I was 21 in the 70's so bad. That is all I daydream about.
ReplyDeleteThe "details" she gave were realistic sounding, but also sounded like fan-fiction. It should be interesting to see what happens next.
ReplyDeleteOh, and according to the radio people I heard talking about it this morning, she would be prosecute-able, but it wouldn't be a felony. It would be a misdemenor (dammit, how do you spell that?) statutory rape.
I will never understand casual or one night stand sex without a condom. Ever!
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ReplyDeleteI can't help it but I really, truly, from the bottom of my heart hope this is true and the baby is his! "I want to fuck the shit out of you". WHAT? *LOL*
ReplyDeleteIda, I so agree. We must be the same age or close to because I was living a wild life in NYC late 80's. My uncle passed from AIDS (we were buddies in New York). And still I have a friend who meets guys, does not use a condom, has "issues" everytime and then blames them. I'm like, no sister...Take responsibility. That's insane shit.
ReplyDeleteI don't really believe it because (1) she talks/sells to the tabloids and (2) then sends a letter to Bieber (apparantly not yet received). If this is true any lawyer with an IQ above room temperature would tell you to go privately to Bieber first; you'd get a lot extra for confidentiality in addition to paternity.
ReplyDeleteI'm one of the 80's ladies on here and I just don't understand the casual hookup without the condom. That said, this doesn't sound right. You negotiate a deal with Bieber and his people to go away quietly with a fat pile of cash after a paternity test.
ReplyDeleteCome on, that guy got a blowjob from Demi Lovato. Enty confirmed the BI on here. I wouldn't be surprised if he even had sex with Kim Kardashian.
ReplyDeleteThat little turd is such a sleaze. I hope it's true and his teen fans turn their backs on him and he finally fades into obscurity.
I WISH!!! My mom saw Zep actually and became very friendly lets say with the Allman Brothers. I am 29. Wish I was 21 in the 70's so bad. That is all I daydream about.
I've heard Led Zeppelin only cared for underage groupies. 14-year-olds and such.
If you're a teenager, and you're only 2 - 3 years apart, it's not considered a crime in most states. That's why an 18 yr old senior in highschool can date a 15 or 16 years old sophmore/junior in highschool.
ReplyDeleteDEFTONES! OMG. Why am I shocked?
ReplyDeleteThe story seems plausible for sure. I know if I was Bieber's lawyer I'd say "we agree to a paternity test, but if it's positive we'll be pressing for statutory rape charges". That'd shut her up.
ReplyDelete@Mark B -- That would be a sly (and totally hypocritical!) legal tactic, but if the girl were nineteen at the time, I don't think they'd have a case. What about the Romeo and Juliet clause? Isn't there a three-year window?
ReplyDeleteBaby, baby, baby, OHHHHHHH
ReplyDeleteWell, I have experience with someone who had a delusional relationship with a famous athlete that she had never met, right down to detailed sexual encounters that never happened. The whole thing sounds very suspicious and very fake to me. A good lawyer would have found a way to do this privately.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, yes, there is a part of me that hopes this is true. That would be funny. But the Beiber fans are scary, I hope this woman has protection or at least a safe anonymous place to stay for a while.
Count me in as an AIDS era single woman who does not understand the lack of condom use. Condoms were so prevalent in my life that they are still my preferred and only form of birth control (yay, no pills for me!). I just shake my head at women and men who don't understand how important they are, but then again many people under 30 think they are immortal and like the Oingo Boingo song, nothing bad will ever happen to them.
Meh, this is plausible but I doubt it's true. I also don't believe Bieber was a virgin before Selena. Come on. He's been dragged around by Usher and that group? They definitely sent him in a few rooms with "ladies".
ReplyDeleteI love the Deftones!
ReplyDeletethis sounds like bullshit
ReplyDelete"men of ALL ages need to realize that "I wanna fuck the shit out of you" isn't the most erotic phrase."
ReplyDeleteLOL, Ida! That phrase has always bugged me. I'd think the only people who would be turned on by that are Kim K. and Jennifer Simpson and their ilk.
Deftones is my favorite band !
ReplyDeleteIf the paternity is still in question, doesn't this make Beiber the "maybedaddy?"
ReplyDeleteIda Blankenship,that's so funny!bloodonthescreen,Deftones are one of the best bands ever!