Josh Kelley Makes The Right Decision
Josh Kelley got a tattoo yesterday which shows his love for his wife, Katherine Heigl and his daughter. "'My wife's birthday is November 24 and Naleigh's is on November 23, so her 23 is in Korean and the Sagittarius symbol is in the middle."
See, this is the perfect tattoo for when the inevitable happens. We all want Josh and Katherine to stay together forever, but lets face it, the odds are against them. What do you think the celebrity divorce rate is? I would say it is close to about 75%. The only reason it is not higher is because when actors get older they tend to stay married to their fourth wives until they die. If they lived until they were 150, that would change though. Plus, there are always some exceptions like Martin Sheen or Billy Crystal or Dustin Hoffman.
So, Josh's tribute to Katherine is the number 24. So, when they do breakup, it is just a number and not a name and easy to remove if he needs to or he can say he is a huge Kiefer Sutherland fan or that it is to remind him to work hard 24/7 or love his daughter 24/7. So many possibilities, none of which have anything to do with Katherine. The last thing you want to do everyday is to look in a mirror every morning at your ass and see the name of your third wife. Too much information on my part?