Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jennifer Lopez's Boyfriend Took Down His Website

Shortly after US Magazine broke the story that Jennifer Lopez has been dating one of her backup dancers, said dancer took down his personal website. Apparently he did not want people to know he has just been in a couple of minor roles and that dating Jennifer is the biggest thing to help his career. According to the magazine, the pair really have nothing serious going on. That is just a fancy way of saying they are having sex and nothing else. Well, maybe if it does not work out he can sell his story and make a few bucks. I guess this means Bradley Cooper was not what Jennifer was seeking and she has reverted to her Criss Judd days with a guy who looks like a younger, more healthy version of Marc Anthony.


  1. she can't be alone for a week. Pathetic.

  2. that's just what I was going to say. Would it kill this trick to step out of the spotlight, focus on her children, and just count the money she already has for a while. She still has her Idol gig, right? That should be plenty of attention for one year. Sheesh, how insecure can she be.

  3. Not a big fan of Jlo, but if she wants to do sexy times with a good looking dancer, why not?

    BTW, speaking of Chris Judd, I remember years ago when he was on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here. He actually won the show, and he really seemed like a very nice guy, which is probably why he won.

  4. FS, she is the BI who never sees her kids....why would she spend time with them? they have her original looks, which she'd like to forget.

    She's too busy making sexy face to take care of her own kids.

  5. So JLo didn't want to be a beard for Bradley Cooper...not surprising a girl has her needs.

  6. Well isn't he a yummy little dish! Love it when men have that hip V thing going on - well looking at them anyway - i like a man to be a bit more solid(aka pudgy) - anywhore - i agree with the comments of spend some time alone JLo! God forbid her mug isn't on the net or in a magazine for a damn week.

  7. @Basil - YES! I thought i was the only one watching that. He really did seem like an all around great guy! I loved that show - guilty pleasure - that one and celebrity mole! Some old school Anderson Cooper on that one...

  8. That photo doesn't ping anyone's gaydar?

    I'm guessing JLo's childhood friend and personal assistant, Arlene, does all the child rearing. Jenn probably thinks that's as good as raising them herself.

  9. Anonymous1:18 PM

    He looks like a major doucher. Seriously, EXTREEEEME gay face. Ugh, gurl you'd betta use protection!

  10. Mine's pinging big time. Please J.Lo don't go the Madonna route.

    Basil, I saw that show and I thought Criss Judd was a sweetheart.

  11. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I can't get past the fromage tattoo. Hilarious.

  12. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I watched I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, too. Cris seemed like a great guy. Anyone know what he's doing these days?

  13. "Not a big fan of Jlo, but if she wants to do sexy times with a good looking dancer, why not?"

    I am with you here. But first she needs to find a good looking dancer - this guy is just... I have nothing nice to say, so I should just shut up.

  14. JLo needs to learn how to be solo. Seriously, has she ever been single for more than 5 minutes?! This latest guy seems like a new Chris Judd - a nice rebound guy. Queue JLo marrying stories in 3...2....1....

    Enty, are you sure his "web site" wasn't just of those ugly tattoo sites?!

  15. It's Cris Judd 2.0! I thought Judd had a dance studio in L.A. and a couple of kids? Judd was the one who said JBlow had problems conceiving, which she vehemently denied.

    I agree with the other posters. She needs to figure out how to be alone for a while. She really is the next Liz Taylor. How much you want to bet she is married by 2012? She is due for another year long one like she had with Judd.

  16. Good comments all (except the Ron Paul homosexual panic episode, but whatever) -- My problem with JLo isn't that she hooks up with guys or has sex or enjoys herself sexually. It's that she immediately tries to marry anyone she gets connected to! She ends up in marriages to people that she doesn't know or understand, and their life scripts are moving in separate directions, and she ends up crawling away in shame. She needs to have serious major affairs with a ton of guys and learn how to date, then learn how to pick guys who meet her requirements (not just in money, but in other ways). I think her mistake was in thinking that "Marriage makes the thing legit," whereas love makes things legitimate. She should find someone who actually has some interests and beliefs and character traits that match hers. First, she should sleep with this dancer, though.

  17. Anonymous5:38 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Barton Fink-

    An oversensitive gay? What? Why, I never! I am especially shocked to find one on a site filled with fat catladies and PC drones! Whoa...

  19. I think her ego is way too huge for her to be alone for long. She needs to be worshipped by someone.

  20. I'm not sure whether I justify this amount of punctuation, but thanks for the thoughtful response. It's almost more than one expects from someone named after a cult leader.
