Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Jennifer Lopez Fiat Commercial A Fake

Let me start this off by saying that if Fiat comes to me and tells me they will pay me millions of dollars to talk about their car, I will go to New York to shoot the commercial. If you can get me in the car, I will go. Then again, I am not Jennifer Lopez. I am sure by now that if you have turned on a television that you have seen what looks like Jennifer Lopez driving through the streets of the Bronx while her voiceover tells people what an inspiration the Bronx is to her. She wasn't there though. Jennifer did her scenes in Los Angeles and a double did hers in New York. Apparently Jennifer refused to go to the Bronx, you know the city that inspires her. The Smoking Gun got their hands on some documents that proved it. They also interviewed some people who were in the scenes. They all said it was a woman who looked like Jennifer, but not actually her. Hmmm.


  1. Duh, I saw that commercial and said there was no way that was the Bronx, who she fooling?!?!

  2. OK, apparently my J.Lo. comment ended up with the KK post...Blogger is being a bit wonky this morning. *sigh*

  3. Oh and we're suppose to believe the she a) drives herself and b) drives a Fiat? Right.

  4. I won't believe this...she's just she's just Jenny from the block!

  5. Don't be fooled by the rocks that she's got!
    Or the Fiat she drives! *L*

  6. Hmmmm at the end Enty? MV? The commercial is fake like her singing?

  7. I really can't stand jello....she is just so annoying!

  8. Is "Hmmmmm" a veiled hint at a blind. The MV blind, per chance??

  9. I think it is more hypocritical that she would not be caught DEAD driving a Fiat in real life.

  10. That hmm proves it. She's MV. When I first heard her Ibiza song (can't remember the name), I didnt believe it was her. Doesn't sound like her previous releases at all. There is no way she sings her own stuff

  11. The new Fiat is a cute little car, but I'd never buy one. I don't want to be associated in any way with JLOser.

  12. What a skag. I hate those commercials with a passion any way ... so this just validates my feelings. Besides .. a Gucci car? Tacky! And .. frankly as ugly as JLo. Rather have a Mini.

  13. Yup she can't sing. But I dunno. The voice that is singing her songs isn't so great either. Wish mishap would happen a la Singing in the Rain with the actress lip synching while sweet Debbie Reynolds sings behind the curtain. That would be too funny!

  14. I don't understand why Fiat hired her in the first place. That car seems to be marketed to people who are into Italian design and innovation (even if it is a Fiat).

    I don't know anyone who associates JHo with Italian anything except a Versace dress from 10 years ago.

    Does Fiat think that all the wannabes (are there wannabes) are going to drop a wad on this overpriced car?

  15. A wad of cash, that is.

  16. Yea, I saw the commercial for the Gucci car, and I still don't get it..people will buy it because of a Gucci name or what?

    The first commercial with her in it, I thought the car was cute, her not so much.... geez how much "smoldering" can you do in a commercial?

    I wonder if this is working for Fiat, is the car selling? I have seen 1 and it was when it first came out.

  17. LoL @Robert & @Maja!

    I can't stand this person. I really liked the movie 'Selena' but that is all JLo gets from me.

    I really, really can't stand that stupid squint/serious/sexy/smoky face she does either. And it doesn't make a difference how many times I hit my monitor then realize it doesn't effect her. My knee-jerk reaction is pure hatred for JLo.

    Anyhow - I am excited you all believe she is MV!! I didn't believe it ever would be her, but hoped so. That MV blind was what got me to start commenting. I was so hoping it was about this trollop.

  18. Those Fiat 500s are very hot among young, trendy women in Europe. I really, really wanted one myself about a year ago, but I couldn't afford it - they come with a stick shift, and I would have had to special-order one with automatic. Anyway, now everyone and his brother has one and I'm sick of looking at them.

    They are, however, very nicely made small cars, and very safe too. The red and white models are really cute.

  19. I'll never forget when that "Jenny from the Block" song came out. My boyfriend-at-the-time was enraged by it and would tell anyone who would listen: "It's not a song, it's a fucking press release!"

    I'm no fan of Jenny and this doesn't surprise me one bit. Anyone who would actually buy a Fiat thinking that she actually drives herself (and in a Fiat!) hasn't been paying attention.

  20. Anonymous11:56 AM

    LOL and totally agree, Dixie.
    I loathe J Ho, and was just telling someone at work a few days ago that if Fiat wanted to guarantee I would never buy one of their cars, hiring J Ho to shill for them was a sure-fire way to do it.
    Geez, I hate her sexyface, her diva attitude, her trashiness, her sluttiness, and her lying sack of shit self. Yeah, sure she drives herself around in a little Fiat hangin' with her homies in the Bronx. Right. We all know you roll in a chauffeur-driven gem-encrusted Maybach, Hennifer Lo-pez (shout-out to South Park).

  21. She also can't drive a stick! I know I read it somewhere that she does not know how to drive a manual transmission, so all that driving is fake.

  22. Patty,

    I immediately thought the same thing. MV!

  23. That line about "they may just be streets to you, but to me they're my playground" or whatever, is SO FUCKING CONDESCENDING! It makes the fur on my neck stand up every time! What an entitled bitch. Although, it's still less annoying than that godawful Louboutins song.

  24. what does MV stand for? I'm dying to know!

  25. ITA that she's a big ol' fake. Jenny from the block, my aunt's ass. She was in Vanity Fair last month and denied having had plastic surgery. Does she think we're all blind?

  26. @Unknown

  27. OOps - It actually looks like I was HOPING it was Mariah but cosigning with the JHo guesses.

    Both women make me nauseous.

  28. You mean she's a fake?? Now, that's just

  29. @SpunkyPR - That is exactly what I thought the first time I saw that commercial. Plus giggling at the ridiculous arm thrust dance.

  30. JLo = fake. ah, well. that kind of thing sells, for a little while, at least. I'm not buying anything with her name on it. Fiat, you never had a chance, once you went down that road.
