Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jay-Z Stops Selling Occupy Wall Street T-Shirts

After intense criticism this week about profiting off the occupy Wall Street movement by selling t-shirts, Jay-Z and his Rocawear line have stopped selling them. Instead of pulling them from sale, what they should have done is to keep selling them and make some money off of them, BUT also give half of what you make to the cause. Then everyone would have been happy. I don't think anyone says you can't make money off the movement, but if you have come out as a supporter of it, then share the money with the movement. Instead, just not selling any at all does nothing and makes no one happy.


  1. Never liked him. I also live in Brooklyn about 20 minutes from that disastrous stadium that he is backing on Atlantic Avenue. It's already a nightmare and I can't imagine it getting any better when drunk people are wandering around. Seriously, there goes the neighborhood.

  2. Oh yeah, and what is with that baby bump of Beyonce. How much longer before "the truth" is exposed.


    I may not be all pro-99% (I have my reasons, as picky as they are), but even I know that he is so out of touch that he - or his team - thought that this was appropriate.

    Biting my tongue about 'making money off of a movement', even if you're donating to said movement.

  4. Frank Miller said it best on his blog yesterday: "The “Occupy” movement, whether displaying itself on Wall Street or in the streets of Oakland (which has, with unspeakable cowardice, embraced it) is anything but an exercise of our blessed First Amendment. “Occupy” is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness. These clowns can do nothing but harm America."

  5. Anonymous3:09 PM

    So I guess 'coont' is a combo of coon + cunt?


    Enty, what are you going to do about this?

  6. Yes, Jay Z is annoying. But you know what is MORE annoying?!?! Occupation Wall Street. Yeah yeah. Freedom of speech; freedom to demonstrate. I'm all for it. I love our country. Speak your mind; say your peace. But this Occupation Wall Street madness is a bunch of thugs with no direction or ambition or job or responsibilities. Obviously this is how these protests have been able to go on and on and on. Does this movement have a purpose besides wreaking havoc on cities? Littering? Committing petty thefts? Taking up the time of the police? The Occupation Wall Street participants seem to be about as intelligent as the people standing on Joe Paterno's lawn.

  7. "Instead, just not selling any at all does nothing and makes no one happy."

    Good point, Enty. Love it! In all the criticism I saw (and gave), I don't think anyone begrudged him making a profit. It's just that considering the spirit of both ows and the broader point he was ostensibly trying to make, it was just so shitty of him not to share even a portion of the proceeds. I think the greed of that hit a sour note with a lot of people. As well it should have, imo.

    @Susan: You have some valid critical points but I'm sorry to see you dismiss ows so flippantly, because the problems that sparked and fuel this movement are critical to the well-being and future viability of our country. I couldn't agree more that ows needs focus. I'd like to see it concentrate on getting money out of politics, because right now Wall St. and a disproportionate number of corporate and superwealthy interests have a stranglehold on this country and the way it's run.

  8. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Um no Layna, it isn't. It is a word-filter proof way of saying CUNT. Are you new to the internet? Have you ever been to Fark? But since I CAN say cunt here, let me be the first to call you an oversensitive CUNT. Double lols to the pathetic cry for moderation, like seeing a word that you don't even know the meaning of is so dire and traumatizing that you have to get someone banned or have the comment removed! How DO you live in the real world?

    PS, people like YOU are the problem with America, thanks to ignorant CUNTS with thin skin, none of us can have nice things like free speech. Get over yourself, twat.

  9. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Oh and thanks for the hypocrisy, you try and tell me to "DO NOT GO THERE", thereby policing MY speech but I bet you would be the first to scream about someone silencing YOUR free speech. I will say whatever I wish, to whomever I wish and use whatever "unapproved" speech I choose. Sorry to disappoint you but you do not get to tell me anything, especially when you are so god damned dumb that you don't even know what you're talking about.

  10. @Layna - if we all ignore it, it will go away.

  11. Lol. Ron Paul Yeeeeah is such a fucking troll.

    You KNEW you were being racist, you fucking twat. Ron Paul would probably be embarassed to know that you're using his name...but you don't come across as old enough to vote anyway.

    This is exactly why I just lurk every once in a while and hardly ever read the comments anymore.

  12. Ignore the obnoxious trolls, and the comments will return to a civilized state again, a concept which Ron P clearly does not understand.

  13. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Have I ever been to Fark? NO, because I'm not an armpit sniffing lame-o who jerks off to 1972 Penthouse magazines.

    You vile, disgusting, pigheaded, ignorant, good for nothing, shame to your family, women hating emasculated SEXIST JERK!

    Every time I see you here, I'm going to call you out. Because I CAN SAY WHATEVER I WANT.

    And I can do without cursing.

    Freedom of speech works both ways. This should be fun.

    In my words I trust.

  14. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Haha, WHAT EVER. Like I'm scared of you, Layna? Go ahead, I really don't care. Have fun!

    Buckwald- First of all, my dad is black so I actually wasn't being racist, but then again I'm not one of those people who cries about racism and imagines it lurking everywhere. I wasn't even thinking of how "coon" is a slur, I am really only familiar with things like "oreo" and half-breed, etc. You know, the stuff I've actually been on the receiving end of. But thanks for telling me what I meant, and how I am a racist since you know me and my life so well! I guess I'd better go tell my dad and his family so they know the sad truth :(

  15. Jeez! The only thing I think of this is that it sort of defeats the purpose if he continues to make money for his 1% off something that is trying to balance income inequality. Seems like douche move for him to even try to make money off it and NOT donate it.

  16. Does he support the movement, though? I think the message isn't necessarily supporting the movement as much as telling folks to be more generally conscious and contributing members of society. (Especially aimed at people who live in more beleaguered places like the kids I work with.)

    Kind of like people who are saying "Occupy Main Street" as a kind of co-opting and response to OWS to encourage people to shop and live locally and reject corporate/big box where possible. Piggybacking off OWS, perhaps sympathetic, but not necessarily in support of it and suggesting action instead of protest.
