Monday, November 21, 2011

Jason Segel Makes Out With Everyone

Paul Rudd and Jason Segel making out? It's just a really loving family.


  1. I'd like to be the middle of that dude sandwich.

  2. I really hate that skit. It's the only one I fast forwarded through. The food spitting is so gross.

  3. What treesap covered lady said...*L* I actually watched all of SNL this week. I usually give up after the weekend update...

  4. I'm not up on this, even though I love PRudd.....does anyone know if he's, you know, flexible in his dating life? I never hear about him with a sig other.

  5. Dang, I can't see it. There's just a big black empty space where the video should be.

    @ms.snarky, if you're referring to Paul -- he's married and has a young son.

    If you're referring to Jason, don't know - don't keep up on him.

  6. Miss X, I'm with you on that 100%! It gives me the creeps, I hate, hate, hate these skits! When Paul Rudd was a host a season or two ago, he did a skit like this one. I guess this is his second one?

    I won't watch it. I already lost my crush on him after I saw the first skit. I'm not longer attracted to him. At all.

  7. This is one of those skits you laugh and cringe at the same time. At least, that's what my husband & I did as we watched.

    This SNL was pretty decent. The Kemperpedic bed commercial was pretty hilarious, even though it took me a full minute to get the innuendo. :)

    I've never heard anything about Paul Rudd, other than he's a nice dude and I'd love to have his babies.
