Tuesday, November 08, 2011

I'm Still Not Convinced

So, Courtney Stodden was on a jam packed Dr. Drew yesterday and the verdict is in on the fake breasts. Kind of. Both the doctor and the nurse felt an object they assumed was an implant under the muscle of Courtney Stodden. Then, after Courtney insisted she has had no plastic surgery, the doctor and nurse felt her up again and used the ultrasound and said something like, "I guess she was telling the truth." It was the least convincing diagnosis I have ever seen. I still am not convinced she is all natural. If she is then it is the quickest a pair of breasts has gone from an A to a DD ever because she was not very big two years ago. Now, if she is willing to admit she is 40, then I will give her a pass on the breast implants.

Did anyone else who watched it feel a little dirty afterwards? I did. Here I was watching a 17 year old try and stay famous by getting groped by strangers on national television while her AARP eligible husband and pimp mom loved every second of it. Do you think the mom and Doug ever get it on?

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  1. I didn't watch, but I know that doctors are injecting fat instead of an implant...Blake Lively is supposed to have done this.

  2. I didn't watch, but after reading this I need to go and scrub with bleach.

    Very sad commentary on our society in general. Yuck.

  3. "Is it a relief to have set the record straight?" "It is, thank you!"

    I'm glad she has priorities.

  4. Seriously though, who cares if she has implants or not? If they are natural she should be looking into getting breast reduction surgery STAT.
    I think she does have implants, they saw something on that ultrasound and then all of a sudden down played it and said it was, bone? Who has circular shaped bones above their ribs? Anyone?

  5. I watched! I'm sorry, but I did! And I did feel a little dirty afterward but it was more because of her hair (does she tease it or are those bad extensions?) and the obscene amounts of eye shadow that the doc was trying to scrub off. That and she wouldn't lie down on the couch, so I thought she was gonna flash the camera at any moment (she had her knees up, her feet on the couch-thing). Then it was over and I forgot all about it, till now, of course.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Just look at the twit in any photo and you can see the outline of the implant.
    And yes, Enty, I think her mom and pepaw are getting it on.

  8. Those things are up under her chin and perfectly round, of COURSE they are fake!

  9. ok, I saw a pic of her in a bikini and it was heavily padded. I think she is wearing really thick push up bras. Here's a link to the pic I am referring to...


  10. Things this story proves:

    1) Enty is a male, because no woman gives a rats ass if hers are real or fake.

    2) Hollywood producers are small penised, horny guys who couldn't get a date in high school (although this was really proven yesterday)

    3) Courtney Stodden is going to be the successor to the kartrashians in famewhoredom.

    4) cdan is a good diet aid, because stories like this make me lose my appetite completely.

  11. Yes she wears extremely padded bras. Have her go commando and then we can really see if they are or are not. Although I have seen the outline of the implants. Also who is Dr. Drew? Is he an Oprah spawn?

  12. I watched it (with my lip curled up the whole time - and I didnt even realize it.) The look of shock on her face when the u/s tech said she saw something round under the muscle said it all to me.

    I could just see this kid at her plastic surgeon consult with a doc telling her "here, if they go under the muscle, then they'll be undetectable, even with ultrasound", and Courtney believing it and then calling Dr. Drew.

    They have to be fake.

  13. Did anyone else who watched the show see before they went to break, after the ultrasound, when Courtney sat up, she had no chest? She looked down and rearranged her gown, posture... I think that's what it was, I just remember her doing something. I vote push-up, serious push-up.

  14. I may change my mind:


    That's some serious padding, but is that what a normal breast would do when upside-down? I don't know!

    I need to find something better to do with my free time than analyze this.

  15. The whole thing is gross. The husband is gross. The mom is gross. Courtney is seriously delusional, ugly, & gross. Dr Drew is gross.

    Does she really think all that makeup looks good? Are we all being Punk'd??

  16. Lol @ chopchop. She would be the greatest punking to date!

    Girlfriend is as fake as the "sonographer". I've lost all respect for Dr. Drew.

  17. EmEyeKay - no a normal natural breast wouldn't do that at all LOL
    When big natural ones are upside down they would flop down with gravity, just like they flop sideways when laying down. Please watch some vintage porn from the 70's and early 80's. There are serious disadvantages to having naturally big ones, I have no idea why men seem to think bigger is better except when it comes to peen sizes where it's how you use it is what counts.

  18. Black Cat and EmEyeKay: lean backwards in a chair in front of the mirror and see the huge difference in how an implant looks and your real breast looks. I had a friend who swore she did not have implants and it was obvious because you could see that line exactly like this.

  19. She does not have implants. Dr. Drew & co. are either in on it and won't admit that what they "felt" was her minus the 4 padded bras, or they are so stupid they did an ultrasound on her miracle bra.

    Regardless, all these people are proof that we should have never closed down all those psychiatric hospitals in our country. Back in the day those places were filled with THESE people who were being shocked into sanity instead of getting mad money to try and shock us. Oh well, yesterday's clinically insane is today's superstar.

  20. Thank you, Black Cat. I do actually own a pair, but... uh... let's just say I have to ask others for more information. Yes, we'll leave it at that.

    Now I can forget about Courtney for a moment and research vintage porn! Something new to occupy my time!

  21. Anonymous9:38 AM

    They're fake. I've got fake ones. I SWEAR I know what they look like on other women. And Blake Lively has fake ones too. Though, I do believe hers are silicone, which seem to have a more "are they or aren't they?" kind of look. The biggest tell tale sign they're fake is the roundness at the top of the breast. This bitch is a liar.

  22. I think Courtney and her mom get it on for her pepaw/husband.

  23. ok, i'll go w/ 'they're real'...but i'm w/ the above posters who mention her extreme padding. now, i'm a fan of padding--bigtime--in fact, idt i own a bra that isn't padded...but even i know when not to go ridiculously high the way she does. i really think she just enjoys looking like a cartoon hooker.

    ok, so next, can we tackle her makeup? someone needs to hide the spackle away from her. that mid-80s frosted brow bone is not doing her any favors.

  24. Blake Lively supposedly had fat injected into her tissue from other areas of her body - it's apparently the new thing and allows for strategic augmentation with no scarring. I'm guessing that's what's going on here, too.

  25. Pookie, check out that link above to the pic of her upside-down - there's no way those are real.

  26. But, yes, she adds a ton of padding as well.

  27. Watching this I felt very uncomfortable and embarrassed for this girl. Her behavior is so bizarre and fake. She kept trying to make all of these sexy and suggestive faces and tease Dr. Drew. Obviously she thinks this kind of oversexualized behavior is attractive and all men want her. The sad thing is that this kind of behavior, especially at 17, makes me wonder if there isn't some serious sexual abuse in her history.

  28. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I said it buhfore an all say it uhgin...Dr. Drew kisses up to celebs. Of course he isn't gunna out CS and her fake tittays. He want's her to be on Celebrity Rehab eventually so he has to play nice. Mark my words...CS WILL be on Celebrity Rehab.

  29. you can clearly see the implant...

  30. I just want to give her a hug followed by scrubbing her hair and her face. She would be such a pretty girl if she got a make-under and had someone who genuinely gave a shit about her well-being instead of trying to shove her into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.

  31. Oh my God, what have we become? LOL - Rome fell before it got this bad.

  32. Real breasts aren't round, they're closer to teardrop shaped. High-quality implants imitate real breasts. Perfect circles aren't just fakes, they're cheap fakes. The only perfectly round breasts are those on cartoon characters.

    Second - almost zero women that thin (especially that young and that thin) have large breasts. Very slender women are naturally flat chested. Those of us females who grew up prior to the 1980s when implants became commonplace know this. Look at photos of girls and women from the late 1960s and 1970s. The majority of them had almost nothing on top because they were slender and thus A or small B cups.

    If all the anorexic women in Hollywood had their implants removed it would become much more obvious how horrifically thin these women are. Their fake breasts make them look healthier. If you saw their actual sunken chests, they'd look skeletal, not sexy.

  33. moosh..i'll give it a look...eep, and here i was hoping to give this girl (girl?) the benefit of the doubt. =O

  34. FOR SURE she was molested/sexually abused. (not that I know, but 17 year olds just don't act like that without some serious violation having occurred.
