Friday, November 11, 2011

Howard Stern Coming To Network Television

It looks like it is not taking producers of America's Got Talent long to find a replacement for Piers Morgan. The Wall St. Journal of all publications is reporting that Howard Stern is thisclose to signing a deal to be a judge on the show for $15M a season. That is a ton of money to work just a few hours a week. I guess he does have a commute to make which will add to his burden, but for $15M a season, I think I could suck it up and fly coast to coast once or twice a week for a few months.

The big question is whether America is ready for Howard Stern to be in their faces every week. I actually think this is a perfect job for him. He sees and speaks to so many people with dubious talent that he can probably recognize good talent when he sees it. I do wonder though if he is going to try and bring his radio show personality to the television show or if he is going to tone it way down which will please the benign masses, but will disappoint his fans who gave him his popularity which got him the gig.


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