I told myself I was not going to write about Real Housewives - Beverly Hills today, because I did not find it interesting at all. I thought Watch What Happens Live was way more interesting just because I think Matthew Broderick might have been a little drunk and did he and Andy Cohen have a little thing together? Twice they talked about what Andy used to call Matthew's skin? Really? And when did this occur? Did it look to all of you like Andy and Matthew might be just a little bit more than just friends?
So, I was all set to just write about their interesting dynamic, but then I watched the show over again. I do that so I don't miss anything good and was hoping I would find something interesting to discuss. Watching it the second time didn't make things any better, but it did make me watch the seance a little more closely. Here is what I say happened. Kyle gave her psychic the guest list of who was coming to the event. Psychic goes back and watches last season of the show and decides to pull out the Alison and Lisa's grandmother bit. She then Googles every other person who was there to make some generic observations about them that all left them stunned. Except one. Kyle did not invite Brandi Glanville until the last minute. Literally. Who got a reading that did not get one thing right? Brandi. She got every last detail and generality about Brandi wrong. With no Google to help her, she did an awful job.
Speaking of mysteries, why Kim is moving in with a troll is not one of them. She is lonely and he can help her dispense meds. Did you listen to the three things she is on? And her doctor lets her drive? Seriously? The biggest mystery was when Kim went back with Paul to get some work done. One second it is Kyle and Lisa talking and the next Adrienne is sitting there on the couch. Where did she come from? Does she have a time turner? Did anyone else notice how big Mauricio's hands are? Lisa bringing the electronic cigarette to the seance was priceless, but her impression of Kim Richards was even better.
If mauricio's hand size is an indication of anything else, I now understand why they have such a happy marriage. I couldn't pay attention to anything else after seeing his hand draped around kyle's shoulder
ReplyDeleteSupposedly Sarah Jessica Parker and Andy have been friends for years and years. Sarah has been a regular guess on WWHL and they have made many comments such as "you've been to my house and seen ___ (whatever) and Andy has said "Oh yes".
ReplyDeleteI might be the only one, but I'm still not convinced Matthew is gay. I mean let's suppose he is, and suppose he had something with Andy. And suppose he was really wanting to keep it all a big secret. Then watch last night's WWHL and tell me if that wouldn't be just a little over the top? It could just as easily be said that he was doing all that to mock the rumors. I don't know, I just think they've all been friends for a long time.
Seachica, we know from Camille that big hands and big feet don't mean anything. ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat I really focused on last night was how uncomfortable MB looked. It's like he had a back brace on or something and that his shirt was too tight around the collar. It was really uncomforable looking. And he did seem a bit off too. At first he was really "stiff" sounding but towards the end he was a bit more lively.
ReplyDeleteWell like my grandpa used to say when people admired his gigantic hands: "Big hands, big feet - guess 2 out of 3 ain't bad."
ReplyDeleteI don't think Matthew is gay either. Remember when Enty revealed he was the one hitting on women all over the place at some bar?
ReplyDeleteI can see the vibe, but I think that's just him.
maybe Matthew dabled as research when he filmed Torch Song Trilogy. But I don't think he is gay either.
ReplyDeleteEnty nailed it on the head with the psychic. I thought she just watched the season and just played it against the women. People are willing to be hoodwinked when it comes to departed family.
Kinda despicable and what a lazy psychic.
Everybody seemed cool with Brandi I guess they all kissed and made up. Was hoping for some snarky comments from her.
But the good news is they seemed to have eliminated that annoying housewife from game night (i hate her so much I forgot her name).
Everyone had a cigarette- it was a party favor- it you look closely- there is one at each seat/table setting.
ReplyDeleteGlad Dana was gone too.
I thought Andy and MB were hilarious together! Andy was drunk last night- he and MB both I think!
Okay so I IMMEDIATELY thought the stuff the 'psychic' was saying sounded very general and honestly if I KNEW 80% of what she was talking about because I watch the show- then how much could have been real?!
ReplyDeleteI thought it was refreshing to frankly see Adrienne and Paul fight less. I think Paul is a great guy. I like him better than Mauricio, because I think honestly that dude is down low dicking (copy right Michael K.) on other chicks and I think Kyle loves him more than he does her- something is off with them. And I still remember Camille insinuating last season about Mauricio spreading his 'charm' around Bev Hills.
I thought Brandi acted like a beaten dog with its tail between its legs. It was sorta sad to watch. I dont know what is UP with Kyle's brand of meeting new people- she did the same exact thing with Cammille last season. Its like she meets a new woman who she is immediatly suspicious of and threatened by. She is quite obnoxiously rude and in your face about it. The two fight. Then once apologies are said Kyle is friendly. When she called Brandi up and invited her to the party and was nice and said she wanted to start off on a better foot all I could think was 'Bitch if you acted like this in the first place there would have been no fighting in the beginning!'
She is a bi-polar twat.
I laughed out loud when Taylor said her face was genetically thin and she NEEDED the filler.
Girl, your face is thin because you've shaved down or did some kinda hot mess to your cheekbones and now your face doesnt know how to lay. Remember that pic of her in the 80's? Her face was a natural round shape and not hollowed out like it is now- GOD SHE IS SUCH A FUCKING LIAR.
So glad Dana's gone- hopefully. I can only take so much of the Taylor's and Kyle's before I have an aneurism, lolol.
Oh yeah, and when Kim called Kyle out in Paul's office when Kyle told her to not talk when he worked on- I thought that was great. If anyone really needs to get a voice, it's not shady ass Taylor- it's Kim. And I think she really is finding one, which is awesome.
One thing I will say about the psychic- she was on the $$$ about Taylor- remember the piece that came out calling her a grifter? The way the psychic spoke- it matched up perfectly to the article...
ReplyDeleteThe "my face is gentically thin" comment was hilarious!
I have so much sympathy for Kim. I've been on 2 of those meds and they made my neurological system go haywire. I would wander around and lose track of time, babble about NOTHING and would start something and have to be told to stop (which is why I was always late). I vaccuumed my den for 45 mins. My doc said these were 'short term' side effects, but they never went away and I got very depressed.
ReplyDeletethey should ask flwrgurl to read for them! hehehe
ReplyDeleteI loved the look on Camille's face when the "psychic" said her next guy will swing the right way or something like that.
ReplyDeleteKim was much easier and down to earth in this episode, and yes I agree she does need to find her voice and it seems the further away from Kyle she is the better she does. If her boyfriend is a good guy then I applaud Kim for looking past his somewhat odd features and doing what is right for her.
Does anyone think that SJP is cookie muncher, and she and broderick are the bearded divorcing couple?
ReplyDeleteI haven't watched all of the recent episode yet, but I'm wondering how stupid Kim has to be if she'd rather let everyone think of her as a lush or drug abuser than someone who has an anxiety disorder and is taken meds to prevent panic attacks? I would have cleared that up in the very first episode if I was her. Everyone seems to be medicated in BH so I guess there isn't any kind of social stigma there.
ReplyDeleteAs to Taylor, I can't believe how she has managed to be so successful with her con tricks? She seems to be incapable of any decent social interaction with other people. Taylor feels so intimidated by Lisa and hangs on to Kyle for support because she hopes that by being friends with Regina Lisa will restrain herself with her criticism towards Taylor. Unfortunately for her, Lisa doesn't give a damn.
The moment someone questions Taylor too much she caves in and becomes that puddle of self-pity. I always thought con artists would need to have nerves of steel. Those victims must have been very gullible.
For a moment I've really forgotten that Russell is dead, so I won't comment on that e-mail to Lisa.
I have to say that I really like Kyle's home. It's bright and yet warm and comfy. It doesn't look like a museum or filled with the ugliest kitsch money can buy like in the other houses. She and Mauricio really have good taste.