Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Google Is A Psychic's Best Friend - Andy Cohen & Matthew Broderick?

I told myself I was not going to write about Real Housewives - Beverly Hills today, because I did not find it interesting at all. I thought Watch What Happens Live was way more interesting just because I think Matthew Broderick might have been a little drunk and did he and Andy Cohen have a little thing together? Twice they talked about what Andy used to call Matthew's skin? Really? And when did this occur? Did it look to all of you like Andy and Matthew might be just a little bit more than just friends?

So, I was all set to just write about their interesting dynamic, but then I watched the show over again. I do that so I don't miss anything good and was hoping I would find something interesting to discuss. Watching it the second time didn't make things any better, but it did make me watch the seance a little more closely. Here is what I say happened. Kyle gave her psychic the guest list of who was coming to the event. Psychic goes back and watches last season of the show and decides to pull out the Alison and Lisa's grandmother bit. She then Googles every other person who was there to make some generic observations about them that all left them stunned. Except one. Kyle did not invite Brandi Glanville until the last minute. Literally. Who got a reading that did not get one thing right? Brandi. She got every last detail and generality about Brandi wrong. With no Google to help her, she did an awful job.

Speaking of mysteries, why Kim is moving in with a troll is not one of them. She is lonely and he can help her dispense meds. Did you listen to the three things she is on? And her doctor lets her drive? Seriously? The biggest mystery was when Kim went back with Paul to get some work done. One second it is Kyle and Lisa talking and the next Adrienne is sitting there on the couch. Where did she come from? Does she have a time turner? Did anyone else notice how big Mauricio's hands are? Lisa bringing the electronic cigarette to the seance was priceless, but her impression of Kim Richards was even better.


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