Sunday, November 20, 2011

Good Job Mila Kunis

When Justin Timberlake attended the Marine Corps ball last weekend, I said in the post that Mila Kunis would probably not keep up her end of the bargain and go to hers. I was wrong. I admit I was wrong and I am glad I was wrong not just for me, but for everyone who saw her there and made it a much special night for Sgt. Scott Moore. I mean come on, he had Mila Kunis as his date. Not too shabby.


  1. I'm glad to see you can take back some of your hasty words. I actually saw the article on Yahoo a day or two ago, and slightly ashamed to admit that I wondered to myself, 'I wonder if Enty is going to eat his words'.

  2. No way Mila would back out. She seems like a cool chick who is good on her word.

  3. Even though she was roped into accepting, I'm glad she made it to the ball. I think there was originally a question about scheduling that they obviously worked out. She is one fun, beautiful date. Lucky guy.

  4. No she would have backed out even if she wanted to. This has been a publicity goldmine for her! Everyone loves her now.

    I just hope this doesn't start a trend of thousands of youtube videos of people asking various celebrities out on dates.

  5. @Basil: i totally agree

  6. @Basil, i think that trend came and went around the time Mila and Justin were asked. at that time a TON of people started asking celebrities on dates...silly silly people ;)

  7. my bad also, i thought she was supposed to go to the ball Justin went to and backed out.

    Sounds like all the celebs that went had fun and actually got something out of it pride of country, respect for Military. Besides the ususal paid apperance fee and how much can I spend with it feeling.

  8. @timebob You know, I never thought about it that way, and you are right. I'm betting Hilary Swank is wishing someone would ask her to the ball now.

  9. what's up with all the water bottles on that table? is alcohol not allowed at the Marine Corps ball?

  10. @ms snarky - I thought the exact same thing when I saw that picture.

    Good for her for going. Good publicity never hurts.

  11. That Marine looks so happy! I was wondering if she had bailed, but I'm so glad she went. Like others, I thought it was the same event Timberlake went too. I'm sorry for my own negative thoughts, and really glad she's the person I thought she was. Hopefully everyone had a great time!

  12. Good for her! I sincerely hope she had a good time. It must be nice for her to go to an event where the cameras are from fellow party guests and don't have pap logos on them.

    PS Enty, I love you, you bacon fat bastard! Thanks for all you do.

  13. I'm glad she went. My husband is a veteran Marine and he told me alcohol is served at the ball. I wonder if this was taken at the beginning of the night.

  14. Bottled water at a formal Marine Corps ball? Besides being tacky as hell, that is incredibly wasteful. Must be some contract that someone in Congress forced on them to get pork for his district.

  15. the look of love...

  16. I live around where it took place in Greenville and I'm so happy she went too. My brother is a former Marine that lost most of his hearing and 2 of his men in Iraq, so this makes me very happy.

  17. I'm so happy that she went - wish someone would ask ME to the Marine Corps ball!

    Renoblondee - best wishes to your husband. Please thank him for his service.

  18. Thank you very much SusanB, I appreciate that. I will tell him.
    It's my brother, not husband. :)

  19. I was surprised she went because of your previous posts. Good for her but I hope this cornering of celebrities stops soon.

  20. Mila is talented, beautiful, charming, sexy and from what I hear is actually VERY, VERY funny. Nobody seems to have a bad thing to say about her. She took a few hours out of her life and gave this guy a night he'll cherish for the rest of his life. LOVE HER. I just wish she'd knock off with the cigarettes.

    See, Scarlett Jo? Would it really have killed you so much to go to one of these Marine Corps balls? My estimation of you went down a little. But just a little because I do admire you for the work you did with Oxfam in highlighting the food crises in East Africa this year.

    That is all.

  21. She went 'cause she's Ukranian, and UKRANIAN CHICKS ROCK! Represent, Mila!

  22. Sorry RenoBlondee - I have one drink a week - Sunday afternoon - and you see how it ruins me! Please thank your brother!

  23. She scored some solid PR points with me on that. Even more because instead of doing the usual Hollywood pout where making them go turns out to not be worth it because they go into either diva mode or "woe is me" mode, it seems she just decided to have fun.

  24. that is a lot of eye makeup.

  25. This Army wife is real proud of her. I haven't been to a ball yet but it seems like a big deal around here. Look at the smile on that guy's face!

  26. Anonymous5:43 PM

    That guy looks kind of like a bald Rob Lowe.

  27. Anonymous7:08 PM

    The water bottles on the table really do look tacky, non?

    That trend of asking out celebrities got annoying really fast, especially the guy asking Betty White. Everyone just wanted to see their video go viral. I have such a love hate relationship with the internet.

  28. Good for her and JT. I hope she walked away from it with a similar experience as JT described.

    It was probably a pain in the ass to go, but she probably made that dude's year, so good on her.

  29. @Brendalove, I thought the same thing--he really looks like Rob Lowe!

    Mila kinda looks like, oh whatshername from Designing Women...?

  30. I love Mila..And RenoBlondee my condolences for your brothers' loss. Where would we be without those brave men and women? We just don't thank them enough.

  31. I'm going to make a YouTube video where I invite Ryan Gosling to a private party in my pants. I'm sure he'll say yes.

  32. Thank you Sherry, that means alot.

  33. lol Maja! I'm just upset I didn't think of it first :)

  34. Mila is a cool chick and I bet she's a lot of fun.

    Glad Justin went too since he really pushed Mila to go.

    Yeah Mila!!

  35. OMG Maja..You are hilarious! Still laughing. Wow, I so wish I said that or something like that.
