Eddie Murphy Quits As Host Of Academy Awards
Just one day after Brett Ratner resigned as producer of the Academy Awards telecast, his buddy, Eddie Murphy also dropped out. Considering that Eddie only agreed to host since Brett was producing, it was not that much of a stretch that Eddie would also hit the road. Apparently Billy Crystal is interested in hosting the show which is good news for the over 50 crowd. I was looking forward to Eddie hosting because he is different than the hosts they typically have. The show was still going to be long and boring, but it would be at least a little different.
Meanwhile, Howard Stern said the whole idea that Brett Ratner had to quit is crazy and that the people in Hollywood are loony. He said that compared to the celebration bestowed on Roman Polanski for drugging and having sex with a 13 year old girl and what Hilary Swank did a couple of weeks ago in celebrating a dictator for money, Ratner's remarks were nothing.