I really thought Michelle Duggar was finished having babies. I just assumed after the problems she had with her last pregnancy and the fact she is now 45, that Michelle would settle for 19 kids and let someone else take over the baby making. Turns out I was wrong. Apparently the Duggars have decided not to take my advice and are going to have baby number 20. After this baby is delivered can TLC please change the title of the show to "20 Kids And Done." The season finale of the show is tonight, but if you are desperate to watch the family, then beginning next week you can watch what happens when parents decide to take their 19 kids to Europe. That is a whole lot of hotel rooms. I still can't believe she is having another baby.
I guess they'll stop when Michelle's uterus falls out.
ReplyDeleteGee Wiz , give it a rest already.
ReplyDeletehow is she still even getting pregnant? How are they paying for all of these children. so gross.
ReplyDeleteWell, let's hope she's keeping up on her kegels.
ReplyDeleteYeah, but her kids are respectful, smart, personable and generally well behaved. They show signs of being productive adults, and for that I will give her credit.
ReplyDeleteBut seriously, with age will come more complications. It would be wise to stop with this one. You know, if you avoid you husband at certain times every month you can avoid getting pregnant. I don't know how the find the stamina to get romantic with that many in the house to be responsible for.
It's a vagina, not a clown car!
ReplyDeleteThis makes me so angry. Yes, it's disgusting that her poor vagina is being treated like a clown car, but her and her dipshit husband obviously have NO respect for human life.
ReplyDeleteHer last pregnancy resulted in serious health problems for her and her child. Pre-eclampsia is no joke, and it's common to have it again in recurrant pregnancies. Selfish, stupid Duggars.
Sorry, I feel so strongly about this. We had a stillborn daughter and took 3 years and fertility drugs to conceive our son. People like the Duggars make me stabby.
I actually quite like the Duggars, believe it or not. But 20? Really? My prediction is that following this birth, Michelle's uterus will prolapse the last anyone seeing of it will be as it jumps off the table and makes a break for it down the hall, only to turn up in a lounge chair in Miami Beach with shades and a margarita, enjoying a well-earned retirement.
ReplyDeleteThe kids seem happy...happy, that is, until one or more of them turn out to not fit the narrow mold in which their parents are trying to form them. When I watch their show, I play Which Duggar is Gay? My money is on Joy-Anna, and possibly Jedidiah. And I think Jinger may be a Wild Woman at heart, who may want to do something really shocking like, oh, go to a public secular university and live in a dorm *gasp*.
I don't watch the show but was also wondering how they can afford these kids. ! or 2 seems to be a financial stretch for most couples I know.
ReplyDeleteI think she is a very broken woman. There's something in her eyes....it must be easy for Mr. Duggar to quote biblical reasons for more children- or not to abstain- when it's not his life at risk.
ReplyDeleteAt 20 it IS a clown car.
ReplyDeleteApparently they saved up tons of money from real estate and what not before they started having kids, and they do not, to my knowledge, take any welfare or gov assistance. I'm sure the TLC money helps now too, but they were very well off before.
ReplyDeleteAnd although personally I would never want 20 kids, it is a free country, not China.
Their religious stuff makes me gag though. :)
This doesn't surprise me. They've always said they'd have as many children as God allowed.
ReplyDeleteAs for the money, I think I read somewhere they make over $100K a year just on leasing some land for a cell phone tower. They also own commercial storage facilities and some rental properties.
I have the same issue with them as I have with the Gosselins. Kids do not belong on reality TV. One of the Duggar kids was recently injured and they filmed the whole thing, both by cell phones and with the film crew. Kids deserve privacy. And barring that, independent child monitors while on "set."
I forgot to mention that the TV editor recently busted for child porn who worked on the Gosselin show also worked on the Duggar show. Have the Duggars made any comment about that?
ReplyDeleteEwww, the poor wife. If she's not really wanting these babies it reminds me of my dog I adopted who was used as a breeder in a puppy mill..... What is the difference really?
ReplyDeleteITA with RenoBlondee & Paisley. Good posts, you two!
ReplyDeleteThey are like hoarders or crazy cat ladies, but with kids! Never watched the show, never will. Feel very sorry for their kids. I did see a spoof of the show. I think it was on "Funny or Die" or maybe I just linked to it from there, but it was hilarious. It was an episode of the show where a female cousin (She gets to wear YELLOW and talk to boys who aren't her brothers and go to school.) visits. Very funny.
ReplyDelete@Figgy- LMAO! I was just reading a review of the biography of the abolishonist John Brown. Parallels there are he and his wife also were very religious and had 20 children as well. Not sure why I thought of that.
ReplyDeleteMs Cool, I believe Michelle Duggar has suffered a uterine prolapse 3 times already.
ReplyDeleteI hope Europeans look on them with the same disgust I feel for their need to overpopulate the world.
ReplyDeletei can't throw to much shade at them. the kids are pretty well behaved, and they aren't living off the system. i DO take issue with having that many kids simply because it would be almost impossible to give the loving parental attention to each child that they deserve. i hope this pregnancy goes ok, and i hope it will be her last, for her own sake.
ReplyDeleteWhile I think she is batshit crazy for having that many children - I will say that I think the family seems to be very close and well adjusted. They are a very religious family, and while I don't necessarily agree with their religion, they don't seem any different than the other families that they hang out with. They are teaching their children values, not to be selfish, help others (I believe they've done many things to help others in their community and in other countries), etc. I also believe that they have never taken any public assistance so I have no reason to bitch as long as they are able to support themselves. Now if they kept having children and we were expected to take care of them I'd be pissed. I'm looking at you Octomom!
ReplyDeleteI can't hate on them because they are self-sufficient and happy. As long as none of the kids turn out to be resentful and there are no psychopaths in the group, it's not for me to say how many children they should have.
ReplyDelete@Figgy-You nailed it! Also, what about college for those poor girls who are stuck as "stay at home daughters" who just do housework and raise their siblings?
ReplyDeleteUgh, this doesn't surprise me. My Mormon sister has this mentality too, but she's at 4 and we're hoping she stops there. She asked my mom, "Do you ever feel like you left a soul up in heaven?" Dude, leave that soul for someone else who wants kids and think of your bank account.
ReplyDeleteI seems to have noticed the few times I watched the show that the parents have the girls do all the work around the house. They were cleaning, entertaining the younger ones and making supper. Don't remember Michelle doing anything, but talking. What kind of life is this for the girls? They don't encourage any of them to attend college or even think for themselves. Agree that they do support their army, but at what cost? Some of these kids may end up with problems.
ReplyDeleteOkay, how does this woman even have a sex drive??? I've had one kid and that really did a number on mine!
ReplyDeleteOld ;ady,
ReplyDeleteAn education and a career are for lesbians and loose women. Not upstanding GODFEARING virgins!!
Mama Mia, when it comes to the Lord (or on him), a woman's sex drive doesn't exist. It's all about her husband. I bet JimJoeBob or whatever the fuck his name is had his pants around his ankles and a bible in his hand as soon as #19 slid out of her birth canal.
Just because you can have another child does not mean you should.
ReplyDeleteThe last baby was a warning that should have been listened to.
@Figgy - that cracked me up! I hope her uterus enjoys it's retirement :)
ReplyDeleteOn the one hand, they have the right to do this and they are financially able.
On the other, what the hell is wrong with them? After this last one, they're rolling the dice in a bad way.
I know that their beliefs are that they'll take however many children God gives them, but to me they should be making sure the kids have an opportunity to grow up with a mom. They don't have to go on birth control, which is apparently why they were "punished" with a miscarriage earlier (according to them), they can abstain for the whole week required to not get knocked up. Shouldn't be that hard.
The whole concept of miscarriage as punishment pisses me off too, that's just bad theology. Ugh.
weren't there complications w/ the last pregnancy? idg these people. i can't hate...they same pleasant enough and it's not like they're trying to milk the system (side-eye to octomom), but at some point you just come to terms w/ knowing when to say when. while i do not agree w/ their religious beliefs when it comes to pro-creation, i respect their rights to them...but i can't help but think that even god is saying, 'enough already!'.
ReplyDeleteUgh. Don't go on birth control, fine, but try pulling out. Works wonders.
ReplyDeleteGood lord. TLC needs to start a new show called
ReplyDeleteEarth: 7 Billion and Counting.
That's the real horror show.
I don't know anything about these people, but I really wonder how they can afford such a large family.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but the whole thing kind of makes me sick.
(Love the clown car joke, though.)
@Mama Mia - I have none and I can't fathom it either. How does she have time for sex with 19?????
ReplyDeleteIf they really are well off financially, I'd be better with all those kids if some of them were at least ADOPTED.
These freaks need to be on Toomanybaby's Rehab.
ReplyDeleteI have no problem with their lifestyle, since they don't mooch off the government, or their religion. But when to say stop? Geesh, I'm exhausted trying to keep up with only three. Plus the complications with #19 should have been a sign to get off the baby express for good.
ReplyDeleteGross, and disrespectful to the child who's life she's endangering each time she has a child when it's not healthy to do so.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention disrespectful to the nearly 7 billion other humans on this poor earth right now.
I cannot stand righteous Christians...or any righteous religious people of any kind.
The kids look well taken care of, and it must be a blast having that many brothers and sisters. I just feel sorry for Mrs. Duggar. That many pregnancies on top of having to raise that many kids has to be hard on her. I used to babysit for a Mormon family with 6 kids. The wife looked so miserable. Sadly, I heard later she'd killed herself, leaving all those sweet kids. :(
ReplyDeletei think mom has a pregnancy addiction. seriously. the children are lovely, but mom can't stop. she's getting something from being pregnant and even after the last child was so very ill, she cannot stop herself. addiction.
ReplyDeleteI see my post has disappeared into the ethos, so I will repeat. All this woman has known for decades is pregnancy. She is addicted to being pregnant. Although I admire that they have nice, polite children and they are financially responsible, there is NO WAY you can give proper attention to every child. And if she kills herself, which she very well could, she leaves all those children without a mother. Nice. She says she leaves it up to the Lord; I say the Lord gave you a brain, honey. USE IT.