On Monday, Courtney Stodden's appearance on Dr. Drew airs. The show will reveal whether Courtney has had breast implants or if she is all real. Fine, even if she is all real, lets talk about her for a second. First of all, her mom creeps me out. She talks more about Courtney and her breasts than Pimpa Joe does about Jessica Simpson's breasts. There is just way too much sex talk about a child from her mom. Also, where are her sisters? How come we see one photo of the three of them together but no one has seen them or talked to them since? How hard could they be to find? It is like she is this alien that dropped onto earth two or three years ago and has no history prior to that. No baby photos? No 2nd grade photos? What happened to the sisters?
The other suggestion I would like to make to Courtney is that even though you can wear makeup to the point where you look like a 50 year old hooker, my question is why would you want to? People like fresh faces. I understand that porn stars are your heroes and you can't wait to do porn and are counting down the days until you are 18, but the way you look now, you look like you have been doing it 20 years. You need to slowly grow into that level of used upness. It is not something you want to use as a starting point because then in two years you have no place to go but looking like Dina Lohan. Seriously, where is the history of this woman prior to a few years ago? Out of all the people that read this site or any other gossip site, no one knows where she comes from or has photos of her or knows her sisters?
If I were her sister the media wouldn't be able to find me either. I'd be too embarrassed.
ReplyDeleteI read that her sisters are (much?) older than she is; that her sisters are married to "age-appropriate" men; that she named herself Miss Ocean Shores, since Ocean Shores doesn't have a pageant to compete in Miss Washington; that her father is a bad neighbor; that C. would traipse around Ocean Shores (a tiny hole of a town) in high heels and full makeup. That's all I've seen regarding her history. And I'm on the SusanB bandwagon - if I were her sisters, I'd hide, too.
ReplyDeleteSomebody needs to start talking! Any minute now it'll happen...
That's the sad thing, Enty. She should be going to school and looking forward to the prom and giggling with her girlfriends, and here she is, married to an unattractive guy older than her father, dressing provocatively, laying on the makeup with a trowel, with breast implants (they are, I know it) and giggling on television about what a tiger her old husband is in bed. The teenage years go so fast, and you're an adult a long time, why rush it?
ReplyDeleteI'm so surprised she's not BFF's with Lindsay Lohan yet.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, I don't care what some tv doctor says, I think they are fake because for the size they are they would be sagging a lot more if they were real.
@Black Cat - could that be why she's always wearing a bra, though? I can't make up my mind. I think she may be wearing serious push-up undergarments.
ReplyDeleteI can't remember where I read it, but there's speculation that this is somewhat of a scam. That the images we've seen of her as a younger teen are really of the daughter BUT the 50 year old hooker is the mother. I have no idea if this is true, but it made me laugh as a possibility.
ReplyDeleteDr Drew should ask her what happened to her to make her so fucked up.
ReplyDeleteDr. Drew should check her wisdom teeth.
ReplyDeleteIf that's the mother, she has an incredible body for a 50 year old. Courtney from the diaphragm down is actually pretty fit, when she isn't painting on fake abs. The rack and up is just a hot mess, and if those are real then kudos to her for her bra shopping ability. She has serious push up action going on.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the truth is somewhere in between--that she's not the mother, but that she's actually in her mid twenties and LOOKS 50. I agree that Dr. Drew should check her wisdom teeth. Actually, Dr. Drew should abstain from this whole mess. These people need therapy, not check ups.
ReplyDeleteMid 20s? Gladys, I'd say more like mid 40s.
ReplyDeleteThis trick looks like she draws her eyebrows on with a Sharpie. Lightening up on the eyebrow pencil alone would probably take years off her appearance.
ReplyDeleteDr. Drew should just wash off her makeup so we can see what's under there.
ReplyDeleteShe looks gakked out of her mind in the top photo.
ReplyDeleteI could care less if her tatas are fake or real. Honestly. Produce your damn birth certificate and school records to check if you are 17 rather then a hard 40.
ReplyDeleteActually just let them see if this mess is female. If you're painting your face that thick you're more likely a tranny ---or applying to clown college.
I youtubed her and there are videos when she was a wee bit younger and her ta ta's are small. They are def. fake now. Dr. Drew is a celebrity whore himself and like kneepads he kisses up to all his celebrities. I can see him saying the ta's are real just to keep CS coming around. He should put her on Celebrity Rehab for sure.
ReplyDeleteif the media would just turn their back on them like they did Heidi & Spencer. We wouldn't have to be subjected to them like this.
ReplyDeleteHoly shit that first photo is the stuff that nightmares are made of. :(
ReplyDeleteMy 18 year old daughter and her friends say no way is she a teen. I don't believe for a minute she is anything less than late 20's. Someone eventually will speak up.
ReplyDeleteDr. Drew is recruiting for future Celebrity Rehab seasons, I see. Good grief.
ReplyDeleteIf she's 17, damn--she's had a HARD life.
It is really saying something when Pam Anderson looks as fresh as a dasiy compared to this trick!
ReplyDeleteI was curious about why there are no younger pictures of her other than the ones we've already seen, as well. Also, since Courtney and her creepy mom are constantly harping about what a "good Christian girl" she is, why are there no pictures of her ever going to church? Or even wearing a cross or something?
ReplyDeleteI'm trying my hardest to not snark on her anymore, because I think she has been through some serious abuse and it's obvious that she's being exploited now. I think it's likely that she's coked out or on meth, too. She talks a mile a minute, cannot form coherent sentences, always fidgeting and moving around in her seat, and always doing weird things with her mouth. I can't help but pity the poor girl.
I still maintain that she's no younger than 28, and is probably around 35. In that top photo she looks my age. If she even has sisters, and they're a lot older than her, my guess is that she's probably older than them. This is definitely a scam. It HAS to be, because my brain refuses to believe she's 17 and that the people who say they're her parents are in fact her parents.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was teaching university freshmen, about 20 percent of my female students looked just like this. The augmented figure, the damaged/destroyed hair, the more-makeup-than-Ginger-on-Gilligans-Island, it's pretty much the norm these days. A lot of my 18 yr old students wore stage makeup at 8 in the morning, and that was just to listen to me talk about how to write paragraphs.
ReplyDeleteShe could totally be 17, she is wearing A LOT of makeup and when it's applied that heavily it makes you look older. And she's definitely not your average 17 year old but there are so many kids out there who talk like they're 20 years older than they are. I think she just has odd parents and a hunger for fame.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what Barton Fink said, take a look at young women and you'll see many looking like this. Overly processed hair and horrible make-up and the wrong colour foundation.
ReplyDeleteWhat I am amused by are her shoes in the pic of her lying down. This past summer I was at the doctor and had to put on a gown. I really hate being bare footed so I thought about leaving on my heels but it made me feel like a stripper and my shoes looked nothing like hers (which she's been wearing everywhere lately).
Their marriage license proves she's 17, sadly.
ReplyDeleteAnd think about it- if she were 18, she'd already being shooting nude photos and probably porn. You think she won't when she's finally legal?
if she's 17 i am 306.
ReplyDeletewe're all getting taken for a "sexy, silly,sloppy seconds ride!!!"
The only way to be absolutely prove she does not implants is to do an xray. That's the only way you could prove it to me. Someone else feeling her up is not conclusive evidence. Why doesn't she just do that?
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree it is odd about no previous pictures from her at church or doing other "Christian" things. No 3rd grade pics, nothin'.
Jesus CHRIST, that's repulsive!