Saturday, November 19, 2011

Chris Brown Quits Twitter - World Applauds

Apparently yesterday I missed this wonderful piece of news. Chris Brown shut down his Twitter account. One less opportunity for him to reach out to people which I am grateful for. Now if he would just stop making records and go live somewhere quietly. He shut down the account because people asked him about the Rihanna beating. Gasp! Shock! Seriously, I think people should flood his Twitter account with it everyday all day. Get all those people who were occupying Wall Street to occupy his Twitter when it inevitably restarts. Every five minutes one of those people can show a photo of Rihanna's face or describe the beating or ask him about it. All day everyday.

His response to the questions was, “I don’t say s**t to anybody and everyone feels its cool to attack me. GROWN ADULTS!!!! that s**t happened three years ago! I know alot of you wack @ss(OLD) celebrities probably wanna f**k my ex but talking s**t on me wont get u far. And to be REALLY HONEST… yall wonder why n**ga spazzes all the time? Lol. MY MUSIC DOESNT PROMOTE VIOLENCE nor will it ever! only thing it will increase is the pregnacy rate!”

Yeah we will attack you and will do it all the time. These are just words. We are not the ones who beat a woman in the face with fists, bit her, and then left her there in her own blood maybe dead or alive. I don't care if it happened three years ago or thirty years ago, you will always be a woman beater. Charlie Sheen will always be a woman beater. Taylor Lautner will always suck at acting. You can't change who you are.

You can learn how to spell pregnancy though.


  1. I wish HE would just disappear. he is such a piece of shit.

    I cannot believe he still has any women fans whatsoever. I don't have any respect for him, OR his doormat of an ex girlfriend.

  2. He reminds me of someone I know.

    Ignorant, self serving and full of sh@t ..

    The real truth is that no matter what we do or say to this guy, we could never hurt him ( even by just reminding him of his actions ) more than he is hurting himself. All that anger we see is just the tip of the sad, sad state of being that is inside. Until he recognizes that that he is ill, and gets help, he will go on being ( and making others ) miserable.

  3. I'm just curious as to what he said - that his music doesn't promote violence? Is that true? I tend to listen to '20's - '30's jazz. He's a jerk, no question, but I've never heard his music.

  4. Off topic - Mila Kunis went to the Marine Ball last night (she was invited to a different one than the one Justin went to). :)

  5. "Increase the pregnancy rate?" so Chris is the reason we have 7 billion people on Earth now? Idiot.

    What's going on with Chris "Ah ain't no woman beater no mo'" Brown and model Suelynn Medeiros?

    Doesn't he have a girlfriend? Like it matters to him. Anyway, Suelynn is one girl I'll never give another seconds thought to ever again.

  6. Anonymous12:16 PM

    MAN I'm so happy ENT is blogging today.

    That being said, Chris Brown seems to have the mental intelligence of a 14 year old.

  7. brendalove -- I think you're being generous. (at 14)

  8. It's bad enough that he is an unrepentant woman beater (he made it all about poor, poor HIM). A real man wouldn't have hit a woman in the first place, but if he did, he'd be doing PSA's against domestic violence if he were truly sorry, not spending a good amount of his time posting dick pics and playing the angry, pathetic martyr on Twitter. He is REPULSIVE.

  9. MadLyb, you said exactly what I was going to say...

    So I'll point out that he keeps claiming he's a different person, but it's obvious he's still full of rage. Adults recognize that people will bring up the obvious mistakes made in the past and have a set response for it. They don't throw chairs into windows and tear off their shirt because they're so mad.

    I'm guessing this was because of the trending topic on Twitter the other day that was supposed to praise him (something like CHRIS BROWN IS THE BEST) and was filled with comments about what a jerk he was for hitting a woman. It was one of the few times I've clicked on a trending topic I was prepared to get upset about (how has so many female fans who ignore what happened is beyond me), and was pleased to see so many people speaking out about the anger he still has.

  10. If Rihanna was my sister, I would have actively neutralized this fraker after the beating incident. I did hear that some R&B singer Martyn got his gay on with him.

  11. Oooh, very well said, MadLyb!

  12. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Not to stir the pot, Enty, but people can change. It takes works, but it does happen.

  13. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Just wanted to add that I'm not defending Chris Brown by any measure. I just don't like sweeping generalizations.

  14. "you will always be a woman beater. Charlie Sheen will always be a woman beater. Taylor Lautner will always suck at acting" Oh enty... how I do love you!

  15. I follow a lot of comedians and generally funny people on twitter and I looooooooove to see them give Chris Brown hell, in particular @JennyJohnsonHi5. Twitter seems like the only place where people haven't forgotten what a abusive creep he is. Seeing this tantrum happen is beyond amusing for me and I know he won't be able to stay away from tweeting for very long because he is a total narcissist.

  16. sorry but i believe we can change and improve us if you learn of your errors

  17. pomme, not this guy. He just proves over and over again what an angry douchebag he is.

  18. Exactly. I believe people can change, I just don't think CB is one of those people. The first step is probably something like "admit that you did something wrong" and in three years he hasn't even gotten that far. And I really don't think he gets why people are angry. I think he is just too damn stupid.

  19. I just get the feeling he thinks since his last album was a hit (shame on everyone who bought it)

    all is right in the world and everyone should go back to pretending he is a great guy and respect him.

    Except peoples memories are longer then a crappy dance album. Nice to know his response in being reminded about his past behavior is to run away from it.

    Yeah, he's changed alright.

  20. Lol!! I love this. My only regret is that every abuser isn't treated this way. Pedophiles and sexual abusers can slink away under the radar and work with little kids by dropping a name or something. My abuser got 2.5 years after 4 years of abuse which ended in a pregnancy when I was 12 but he's out on the streets and no one haunts him. Sorry, I get bitter, very bitter, that people seem to put more stock in a situation involving a grown ass woman and let pedophiles live their lives. Seems to me like we're bullying the wrong guys.

  21. Anonymous1:05 PM

    ParkerNosey, I think we need to bully all the guys. I am so sorry for what happened to you, I know you will always carry it with you and you are to be commended for living a normal life after that. My son was abused and the guy got off scot free because my son didn't tell anyone for almost 20 years. I did hear later that he got AIDS, and I can't be sorry for him. I hope he died painfully. He certainly ruined my son's life.

  22. WTF is this bit about maybe leaving her for dead? At the rate you're letting this build up in your imagination, he'll be a mass murderer by springtime. Of course he's a giant Infected pusbag, but don't be such a drama queen about it. He's bad enough without you having him leaving Rihanna for dead, "Enty."

  23. This guy is totally Without Conscience. There is a book about that. He fits the profile from what I've seen. And he will never go away, he will never change, he will never stop.

  24. That is an AWESOME photograph. He could be a little more pouty though.

  25. I also believe people can change, but I don't believe this loser is one of those people. His behaviour on the streets, in the mall and on the set of that talk show all proved he is, at heart, a completely rage-filled narcissist who refuses to try to make himself a better person or take responsibility for his actions.

    And like cockroaches that can't be killed, he'll be back on Twitter in no time. Fo sho.

  26. Chris is an ignorant uneducated punk and that is all he'll ever be.

    He does not have the strength to do what it takes to become a decent human being.
